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Red-Eye Black Ops Game Save Editor

Download Name: Red-Eye Black Ops Game Save Editor  

Category: PlayStation 3 PS3 Mod Tools

Author: Red-EyeX32 and Jakes625

Submitted By: Corys_Lobbys

Date Added:

File Size: 600.68 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 8

Downloads: 7,766

Views: 91,555

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

This Program can edit your Black Ops game save so you can host big xp lobbies, and more.

How To Use Tool:
Copy Black Ops Game Save from PS3 to PC
Start Up Application and Open The Game Save Folder
Edit Game Saves however you like
Save Asset When Your Done Editing Raw File each time you edit
Save All to save every changes to have made to the save files
Copy back to PS3 and you should be good to go.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
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"Red-Eye Black Ops Game Save Editor" :: Login/Create an Account :: 8 comments

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At first it didn't work,I couldn't figure it out, I accidentally did this process while offline and it worked, doesn't work online at all but that's ok, I'm having fun
Is there any bind codes for multiplayer? Even if it's offline
I just need the GPADO_mp bind codes


Does work to an extent.

Works while signed out but not while signed in, might be because of when you press psn/xbl the game downloads game settings form the
server it glitches the binds out idk hahaha.

(Because of the above idk if "party_hostname" or "party_iamhost" or "party_connectToOthers" actually work or not)

"give all" command is weird to say the leastit cycles through a couple of weapons default weapon, broken/half programmed mustang&sally
that crashes game when dropped/swapped out. (model 't5_weapon_1911_lh_world'
not precached), ak47 with no sounds/broken)

Perks are not really working? (plays animation for the first perk on list for specified bind, but perk icon and screen effect do not appear)

"player_sustainammo 1" does not work. (might be cause i dont have the rezzurection dlc or its a waw code)

"give zombie ppsh;give ammo" doesnt give any guns (does give ammo) i dont have the rezzurection dlc so that could be it or its a code for

Binds with guns can only spawn 3 per bind 2 at first then it will swap your current gun for the third gun in the bind.

The upgraded guns you spawn with the binds arent skinned correctly they lack the circuit texture they normally recieve after pack-a-punching.

These are the binds i run with. cant use melee you have an extra set of guns instead. V V V

set gpad_buttonsConfig "null"
bind DPAD_UP "god;cg_drawFPS 1;give freezegun_zm;give ray_gun_zm;give thundergun_zm"
bind DPAD_DOWN "noclip;party_iamhost 1;dropweapon"
bind DPAD_LEFT "give ammo;give commando_zm;give galil_zm;give aug_acog_zm"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "give hk21_zm;give rpk_zm;give m16_zm"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "give g11_lps_zm;give mp40_zm;give fnfal_zm"

D-up gets you: Godmode, Fps counter(top right), Winter's howl(if yuor on the map "Five"), Raygun(all maps),
Thundergun(if you're on Kino der toten)

D-down gets you: No-clip, force you to be party host(idk if it works), drop current gun.

D-left gets you: Ammo, Commando AR, Galil AR, Aug w/acog AR.

D-right gets you: Hk21 LMG, Rpk LMG, M16 AR.

D-push Right stick: G11 AR, Mp40 SMG, Fnfal AR.

hopefully theres no misspelled words lol wrote this while fried hahahaha whoever reads this far thank you and have a wonderful life.

if the creators of this read this you guys did an fantastic job here keep up the modding.


why is this downloading into my itunes???


When I open my save game data on red eye it gives me error and then when I click on grado mp to copy codes I see nothing but symbols. Like the data that I copied from ps3 is not in English on the game editor. It gives error when I try to save. Please help


Doesn't work at all. Fix your program, because I only have one savegame and its Black Ops 1 obviously, and when I try and open it inside of the save editor it just pops up with an error. After that I cant click on anything or edit anything so please fix your shit before uploading dumbass


WHERE CAN I DOWNLOAD THE "Red-Eye Black Ops Game Save Editor FOR PS3


everytime i download it winzip downloads instead help!!!!


every time i download it i get a virus