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The Darkness Save Set

Download Name: The Darkness Save Set  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Author: MikeMcnasty

Submitted By: Brigand

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File Size: 4.19 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 313

Views: 2,833

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This is my first time trying this. The save is for the completionist achievement in the The Darkness. As a heads up there are 3 other collectible achievements which require you to put numbers into the pay phone. A google search for those is all you would need but definitely do those first so this looks legit. You should also have any achievements for finishing chapter 4 also as i believe that's where I got the last of these from.

Ok so granted this save works and im not sure if it will. But it should. I have everything collected and you load it up and spawn in chinatown walk straight down the sidewalk and up to the post office mail box on the right. Press A to mail letters and it should pop. The reason i posted this is because theres a 1000g saveset for this game and i didnt see this achievement anywhere in the read me file for that game.

if you check achievements in the pause menu im pretty close on another achievement or two. those are for consuming 300 ppl (load chapter 5 because it saves how many you had at each chapter you start and sets you back to that.) and the one for getting a bunch of kills with each skill. I am over 50% with demon arm (hold RB when close to an enemy and it will stab through them) and also the darkness guns im 80%ish of the way through that. (those have to be finished in parts of the game where the abilities have been given to you.)

Cool, so yeah i extracted and hit the IDs to anonomys with 360rev so set your ID's rehash and resign. should be good. If i did alright let me know and ill try to share more that i see we dont have here.

Also I hit US for region because my game is a games on demand with any title updates that may have been done not sure if that matters. Hope this works i've never compressed files or anything so if there's a better way i could be doing this in the future let me know i want to help when i can.
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Thanks for the download Brigand.