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FF13 Lightning Returns Unearthly Apothecary

Download Name: FF13 Lightning Returns Unearthly Apothecary  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Author: Ludw1ng

Submitted By: Brigand

Date Added:

File Size: 449.95 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 440

Views: 3,469

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

So i just did the annoying achievement of collecting soul seeds on FF13LR, it was a pain in the ass. I tried I tried looking for a save that will help me do this but i found nothing, so i decided to upload my own. Just talk to the soul seed vendor Mal and receive the stuff, the elixir is the last item u get.

Now just a few things to clarify:

-Save its a NG+ on day 12
-All canvas done
-All subquest done except 1(Last One Standing screw it!!!!)
-I think i have 69 garbs only missing Lilitu which is obtainable on final day and the pallas athena.
-Also i have the dlc bonus from gamestop(soldier 1st class, dark samurai and flower warrior i think) also the etros and guardian corps? idk if its going to be an issue but just letting u know.,
-A lot of weapons/shields(upgraded)
-i think about 28 upgraded accesories

Everything is mostly done so it might pop unwanted achievements, i suggest using it on a dummy GT before on ur own just in case.

1 last thing, since i was fighthing monsters inside the chaos stuff i modded the stats and tried to revert it but idk if it worked.
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