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Resident Evil 5 SUPER SAVE MODS, Rapid Fire, Non-Ingame weapons ,

Download Name: Resident Evil 5 SUPER SAVE MODS, Rapid Fire, Non-Ingame weapons , Ammunition  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Modded Game Saves

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 13.12 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 181

Views: 2,837

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

Here is a save created by me , it contains Rapid Fire in all Character Inventory Weapons, Ammo a lot , Non Ingame Weapons, like samurai edge wesker and Barry samurai edge included,PX4, LTD, RPG7NVS , Molotov , and flame trower and etc. barry samurai edge crashes if you dont have him as a character in Mercenaries reunion or if you dont have Merce reunion DLC. the rest you can do it all you want , the weaps and all works online

DL , REMEBER , copy a save of your RE5 save to an USB, now open with modio , and copy that to section of numbers binary ,
ok now open my save and paste your save numbers in mine . ok reash and resigin in my save , now copy to your USB and replace it , done ,
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