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[US] Horizon Chase Turbo - Harder Trophies and More - [CUSA11275]

Download Name: [US] Horizon Chase Turbo - Harder Trophies and More - [CUSA11275]  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: jr_junior

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

Version: CUSA11275

File Size: 26.22 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 2

Downloads: 185

Views: 4,333

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:


- Maybe other unlisted trophies can be unlocked, if that happens, congratulations.

- You need to re-sign all saves to your PSN account with a PS4 save editor, like Save Wizard.

Warning: If you complete any race in any cup with these saves you will unlock the Golden Passport trophy. This will ruin the order of your trophies if you have not yet completed all the cups with gold and you may be banned from trophy ranking sites.

Save 1
Trophies: Getting Famous
Steps: Finish the last Professional Tournament with gold.

Save 2
Trophies: Master of the Racetrack
Steps: Finish the last Master Tournament with gold.

Save 3
Trophies: Survivor
Steps: Get at least 5th place in the last race of Endurance 12.

Save 4
Trophies: Now Go Play Outside
Steps: Get at least 5th place in the last race of Endurance 36.

Save 5
Trophies: Look Mom, No Hands!
Steps: Get at least 5th place in the last race of Endurance 109.

Save 6
Trophies: Transporter
Steps: Finish a race with the vehicle Dynamite.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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"[US] Horizon Chase Turbo - Harder Trophies and More - [CUSA11275]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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your save, error occurring in the save wizard, zip won't.


Thank You save me a lot time.