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[COD4] mp_deathrun_cherry

Download Name: [COD4] mp_deathrun_cherry  

Category: PC Game Mods Call of Duty 4 Mods

Submitted By: samule

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File Size: 29.27 MB

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Anything not otherwise credited was scripted and written by myself, Darmuh. Scripts may be similar as I do ask for help from time to time (Google is your friend). If you feel I have not properly credited someone feel free to mention it. I do not condone plagerism and never want to take credit for something I do not deserve credit for. Below are some more extensive credits.Thankyou to Xenon, for being a great international friend and for your amazing skills @mapping. Without your help there would not be a flying Cherry on this map. Thanks man, I hope we end up doing a full map together in the future.Thankyou to Wingzor, for being another a great international friend, although I rarely understand your somewhat broken english vocab :> You are by far an inspiration for most deathrun mappers however modest you may behave. I appreciate your help with the spray room scripts and hope that you do get your other new maps out as you're one of the best in the community.Thankyou to DJTimb, for being a great friend, having probably worse english skills than wingzor, and always being there to help test this map. WIthout your help I doubt this map would be close to finished.Thankyou to imTroll, for being an incredible help with my later scripting bugs. I've only known you for a few weeks but you deserve the thanks.Thankyou to the NovaCrew Community, for hosting one of the best deathrun servers without the use of plugins to attract visitors. (Not trying to offend 3xp or any other server that uses plugins. it's simply amazing that nova was so popular without the amazing plugins that Duffman and others have created) Nova was a community that helped me broaden my knowledge of not only the dutch language (lol) but also mapping. Before I joined nova I was just an ordinary player and the experiences I had with nova will never be forgotten. I'll miss you guys.Thankyou to Moustache, for helping me understand the more complicated bits of scripting. You truly are genious with the C++, I hope you continue scripting possibly as a Profession.Thankyou to the afterLife community, for welcoming me with open arms into their community and adapting their own servers to better fit players from the nova servers. You guys are awesome and I'm glad I joined. Techno is by far the chillest clan leader i've ever met. (props ^^)Thankyou to Braxi as well as the Deathrun Development Team, for the obvious reason of developing this amazing CoD4 mod. I hope Pragma is just as or even more successful. I also hope you guys create a standalone Deathrun game sometime in the future maybe? :DThankyou to Duffman, I also have known you for a short time, but you've been very helpful and I'm thankful that when I had no one to help test you were there. By what I can tell you too are a gifted scripter, I hope you continue on that.Lastly, thankyou to phelix for getting me started with mapping. You not only inspired me to start, you taught me basic scripting, mapping, etc. Without you I wouldn't be here.Thanks
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