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Two Worlds 1 - Single Player Modded Save

Download Name: Two Worlds 1 - Single Player Modded Save  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Modded Game Saves

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 417.56 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 26

Views: 767

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

So for many years now I have kept my save offline for my own personal use & the use of a few of my close friends. After reading so many posts about people begging for a good single player modded save which I have yet to find, I have decided to release my own.

Please do not repost my save as your own! If you do repost it, then give credit where its due. I dont mind you shareing it on other sites so long as you link back to one of my profiles to which I shared it on.


Game Name: Two Worlds
Game Type: Modded
Location: Start Area

I have created this save for anyone interested in playing with a God like character. Not much has been done in this game so its great for even those starting for the first time. You will start with 1010 points in Vitality, Dexterity, Strength, and Willpower. You will also have 5988 points left over so that you can add more to what ever you like though doubtful you will need them. I have spent a few of the 9999 skill points but to get your first achievement for them just go to one of the guys who allow you to unlearn skills, and relearn & spend the points on them. Gold & other items have not been modded. I figured you would be fine on your own to gain any extras with your God like stats.

If you like this save & use it them please click "Like". Also if you repost it on other sites or applications then please give me credit. It is doubtful you will find any other saves for the single version of this game any where.
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Related Forum: Xbox Forum

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if think your being so helpful by submiting a password protected save without the password your wrong.