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[US] The Last of Us Part II complete save set [CUSA07820]

Download Name: [US] The Last of Us Part II complete save set [CUSA07820]  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: blurrz

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

Version: CUSA07820

File Size: 185.62 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 11

Downloads: 1,354

Views: 24,318

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

This walkthrough is listed in the order you should get the trophies to avoid random trophies popping out of order. If you want to use a save out of order to get easy/miscellaneous trophies faster, do so at your own risk.

Also, there are some duplicate saves already on the forum, but with four exceptions (as noted), I haven't tested them--these are all my own saves. I always provide saves that require the least amount of work possible, which may not be the case for other saves on this forum. I am not trying to downplay anyone else's work, I'm just being honest. Some people like to save as much time as possible, and that's what my saves offer.

For example, for What I Had to Do, my save pops the trophy as soon as the title screen loads--you don't have to play at all. And I modified the Arms Master and Survival Expert saves so that you only have to upgrade one of each; the weapons in particular take about 5 minutes to upgrade using other saves because of the (awesomely detailed) animations. In any event, feel free to use whichever saves you want!

1.Apprentice & 2. Tinkerer - Press the Touchpad to open the in-game menu, press R1 to get to the Survival tab, then buy the Listen Mode Movement Speed I upgrade. then, walk forward to the Workbench and upgrade a weapon (your choice).

3. Starter Set - Resign both parts of the save. Pick up the trading card just ahead (first collectible in this video) [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

4. So Great and Small - I forget if you need to resign both parts of the save for this (I don't think so), so try just the Autosvae first. Open the slim (customer) bank safe on the right (location)
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5. Sightseer - Go through the gap in front of you (towards the safe) and the trophy will pop. Credit to rahaman khan for the EU save and stretchy for re-regioning the save.

6. Specialist - Grab pills in front of you and upgrade the last Survival skill (Endure).

7. Mechanist - Upgrade the fire rate of the pistol.

8. Looks Good On You - Put the hat on the two dinosaurs to the immediate left and right, and then you'll be given the prompt to put it on Joel.

9. In the Field - Go upstairs and use the Workbench. Credit to rahaman khan for the EU save and stretchy for re-regioning the save.

10. Mint Condition & 11. Sharpshooter - Resign both parts of the save. Shooting range is behind you; get 90 points to win (head or heart shots will work). Coin is in locker on left after the range.

12. Survival Training & 13. Relic of the Sages - Load save and the trophy will pop after about 30 seconds. For Relic, you start just next to the store you need to enter (location--you won't have any enemies to deal with)
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14. Put My Name Up - Beat the high score of 10 (guide).
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15. Tools of the Trade - Resign both parts of the save. Craft Incendiary Shells.

16. Journeyman - Resign both parts of the save. Open safe (90-77-01) and grab the Training Manual.

17. Safecracker - Resign both parts of the save. Open last safe (code is 121879). The save starts you at the beginning of the chapter (no other choice) but it takes about 15 seconds to get to the door.

18. Numismatist - Resign both parts of the save. Get the last coin--go out the door, turn left, and it's behind the shopping cart (location).
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19. High Caliber - Resign both parts of the save. Complete the chapter (walk inbetween the USP truck and the camper) and the trophy pops right before you regain control again.

20. Prepared For the Worst & 21. Master Set - Resign both parts of the save. Workbench is around the corner and the card is in the next room. Here for the Workbench, and 1:58 of the same video for the trading card. The save has you outside the trailer seen in the video.
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22. Archivist - Resign both parts of the save. Pick up the collectible around the corner (location)
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23. What I Had to Do - Load the save. The trophy pops at the main menu.

24. Survival Expert & 25. Arms Master - Jump off the ladder and go to the workbench and perform the last upgrade for the Hunting Pistol. Go to the in-game menu and upgrade the last Field Tactics skill. Credit to rahaman khan for the EU save and ishotboston for re-regioning the saves.
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"[US] The Last of Us Part II complete save set [CUSA07820]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 11 comments

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guys how to put the save file on ps5 or ps4 i downloaded it from pc and copied it to an external HDD but the ps5 won't recognize it and i have to format it for the ps5 to recognize.


cara parabens o melhor q ja usei


weynejkl Excellent economy work, but for the 21 Master Set trophy, two cards are missing, one is exactly the one you commented on, the other is in the previous chapter in Pushing Inland, after taking both the trophy will appear

I'm leaving the video with the location of the second card, just go to the chapter selection and choose Pushing Inland, the trophy is right at the beginning of the chapter and you can easily ignore the enemies

at 1:12

The Master Set save worked fine for me. It popped as soon as I picked up the one card mentioned in this guide


As I dont have much time. I really appreciate this well thought out and through guide. cheers ty


Numismatist doesn't pop


Survival expert is not popping


Just wanted to drop a comment since a few people were claiming these saves didn't work.

I've now 100% completed the game thanks to the saves and if your region is tied to the US these should work.
Thanks a bunch


Foolkiller559 no valid saves to import

gunswiz no valid saves to import

You got the wrong region.


no valid saves to import


no valid saves to import