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Watch dogs end of the game modded gamesave

Download Name: Watch dogs end of the game modded gamesave  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Modded Game Saves

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 117.52 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 39

Views: 1,042

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

I worked hard to mod the gamesave then get close to finishing the campaign for any one who wants a modded gamesave but just doesn't have the time to work for their stuff again :gamer4: so please enjoy *Please note
the campaign is not done due to me thinking others might want to play a little bit of it and watch the ending cut scenes.* :|
Instructions for newbs
1. get horizon if you dont already have it
2. open horizon
3. plug in a usb/flashdrive
4. change console id to your's, change profile id to your's, change device id to your's
5. save rehash and resign to the device
6. plug the usb/flashdrive into your xbox
7. go to storage
8. click on your hardrive storage
9. delete your current watchdogs gamesave (i recomend copying it to the device so if you fail that bad you have a backup ready to re put on the hardrive)
10. goto the usb/flashdrive's storage
11. move the gamesave to the hardrive
12. Enjoy your new gamesave
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: Xbox Forum

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