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Portal 2 Modded Gamesave

Download Name: Portal 2 Modded Gamesave  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Author: CabooseSayzWTF

Submitted By: Brigand

Date Added:

File Size: 359.99 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 83

Views: 1,486

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

IInfect 1:
Atlas DLC infection + misc spawnables
blue config

B= Gives you the potatogun
Y= Spawns lightbridge
Lstick= Attaches a flashlight to your portal gun *turns flashlight on*
Rstick= Spawns a portalgun
LShoulder= Spawns atlas player model.
RShoulder= Deletes whatever you are looking at. *entity wise*
Dpad Right= Spawns a american flag
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= Give atlas flag antenna topper dlc item.
Dpad down= Give atlas roll cage dlc item.
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PBody DLC infection + misc spawnables
red config

B= Gives you the potatogun
Y= Spawns lightbridge
Lstick= Attaches a flashlight to your portal gun *turns flashlight on*
Rstick= Spawns a portalgun
LShoulder= Sets player model to P/body.
RShoulder= Deletes whatever you are looking at. *entity wise*
Dpad Right= Spawns Pbody Model
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= Give PBody flag antenna topper dlc item.
Dpad down= Give Pbody roll cage dlc item.
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Infect 3:
Model Infection
green config

B= Spawns big potato project
Y= noclip
Lstick= Spawns a monsterbox Frakenturret
Rstick= Spawns a fake blue portal
LShoulder= Spawns a shredder
RShoulder= Sets model as big potato *chell's project*
Dpad Right= Sets model as shredder
Dpad up= sets model as fake portal blue
Dpad left= Toggable thirdperson
Dpad down= sets model as Monsterbox *Frakenturret*
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Infect 4:
Manipulation config
pink config

B= Teleports Pbody to you. *where you are looking*
Y= creates chell model
Lstick= opens all testchamber doors
Rstick= place portals anywhere
LShoulder= Sets portals back to normal
RShoulder= Shoots a rocket
Dpad Right= shoots a energy ball
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= re-sizes portals
Dpad down= sets model to chell
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Infect 5;
server config
cyan config

B= Changes gravity
Y= changes timescale
Lstick= makes you invisible
Rstick= all standing buttons pressed
LShoulder= remove all fizzlers
RShoulder= changes friction
Dpad Right= say hi
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= remove portals
Dpad down= open all test chamber doors
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Infect 6:
yellow config
Spawnables 1

B= remnove prop/entity
Y= spawn a moon rock
Lstick= create orange fake portal
Rstick= Spawns blue gel *jump*
LShoulder= spawns glados
RShoulder= spawns fizzler door piece
Dpad Right= creates a ping arrow
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= create a sign
Dpad spawns a wall
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infect 7:
spawnables 2
purple config

B= removes entity/prop
Y= spawns a birds nest
Lstick= spawns a reflecter cube
Rstick= spawns a sphere
LShoulder= spawns a frakenturret
RShoulder= spawns a old cube
Dpad Right= spawns a companion cube
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= spawns fan
Dpad down= spawns storage cube
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infect 8:
orange config
spawnables 3

B= spawns a bed
Y= spawns personality sphere pile
Lstick= spawns a commentary node
Rstick= spawns old floor button
LShoulder= spawns a futbol spanwer
RShoulder= spawns turret pile *has a huge invisible wall barrier with it*
Dpad Right= spawns a door
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= spawns a elevator
Dpad down= toggles fullbright 1 0
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infect 9:
brown config
Grabage spawn/set model config

B= spawns a nerutoxin tank
Y= toggles thirdperson
Lstick= sets model to a toilet
Rstick= say look at this garbage
LShoulder= spawns a pillar
RShoulder= spawns a toilet
Dpad Right= spawns turret debris large
Dpad up= noclip
Dpad left= sets model to nerutoxin tank
Dpad down= creates a glass wall
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