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Dragon Age Inquisition Nightmare + beloved & Precious Dragon Age

Download Name: Dragon Age Inquisition Nightmare + beloved & Precious Dragon Age Inquisition N  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Author: Shaun

Submitted By: Brigand

Date Added:

File Size: 318.55 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 246

Views: 3,119

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Item description:

Dragon Age Inquisition Nightmare save at Boss fight
Also Beloved and precious (with Sera)

To be used after you have played through you game once on casual

My son hasn’t played this game and below is what unlocked

On load will get Decorator 15g and Saddled up 15g (you should already have this)
Go to war table and start doom upon all the world
Use Sera, Cassandra and Blackwall (it’s what i used)
Switch to Sara and use “B” for hard hitter 15g
Upgrade Blackwell for Skilled 15g and Focused 15g (although you should already have this)
When the fight is finished will get Herald 30g, Inquisitor 90g and Doom upon all the world 100g
After cut scene go to your quarter for Beloved and Precious 15g
Go to Undercroft and make some armour with tier 4 items for Master builder 15g and Well-prepared 15g
Loremaster 15g unlocked whilst i was highlighting places on my map.
Slaying 10 high dragons glitched so i am starting a new save for my last achievement

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