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The Brimstone Revival

Download Name: The Brimstone Revival  

Category: PC Game Mods Minecraft Mods

Author: SpellJam / Gumby

Submitted By: Brigand

Date Added:

File Size: 27.19 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 266

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

This map is an adventure, with some optional parkour elements. Mostly it is simply a quest to retrieve a grass block from a temple. Follow the storyline because understanding who can and who can't be trusted will keep you from dying (sometimes).

This adventure map will take 1-2 hours to complete. It is meant to be challenging. Translation: you will die multiple times while trying to complete it. However, there are many save points along the way.

The tutorial at the beginning of the game (at 167,59,290) explains the rules of the map, but in general:

Play in adventure mode (unless granted other game modes)
Play on Normal
Don't destroy or place blocks (except where instructed)
When using a save point, don't stand in a doorway (glitch)
Don' adventure outside if it's daytime (I couldn't quite establish permanent midnight)
Don't loot the portrait frames (I used them as decoration, but you can take what's in the picture)

I recommend having the TooManyItems mod installed (but play with the mode turned off, press ‘O’) I only use it to toggle the time of day, or if I get glitched into a hole. NOTE: there are places in the game where you get stuck on purpose. If there is lava to burn in, water to drown in, or mobs to kill you then you are not stuck. If you fall of the edge of the world and are stuck on a ledge, simply jump off to your death. =)
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Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

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