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[US] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Disc - Platinum Save [CUSA05350]
Download Name: [US] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Disc - Platinum Save [CUSA05350]
Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets
Author: MusicGamer
Submitted By: Sean
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Version: CUSA05350
File Size: 2.95 MB
File Type: (Rar file)
Comments: 10
Downloads: 915
Views: 13,881
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum
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Can't test saves till I get save wizard when I get paid next week but here is the xenoverse 2 US disc save I used to platinum the game. If you are looking for all awaken skills trophy try to get 1 more skill and it should pop if it doesn't autopop. For 10 yamcha trainings do 1 more on the frieza character. For krillin trainings do 1 more on the saiyan character. Other than that just get or do 1 more of what you need for the trophy and it might pop. Like I said this is untested but just a theory.
Can't test saves till I get save wizard when I get paid next week but here is the xenoverse 2 US disc save I used to platinum the game. If you are looking for all awaken skills trophy try to get 1 more skill and it should pop if it doesn't autopop. For 10 yamcha trainings do 1 more on the frieza character. For krillin trainings do 1 more on the saiyan character. Other than that just get or do 1 more of what you need for the trophy and it might pop. Like I said this is untested but just a theory.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum
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RagingWhisper It worked! The stages, skills, super class, PQ, challenges, expert, titles, PvP, everything! Thanks a lot!
voidthelenda worked, who dont work is bc u are dumb
how when i click it in savewizard it says no files found
the2ndmark Save file doesn't work, tried multiple times
Yes... doesn't work... the money appears, advance but the trophies do not jump
RagingWhisper It worked! The stages, skills, super class, PQ, challenges, expert, titles, PvP, everything! Thanks a lot!
how did it work ? der derp der pderp derpdf
It worked! The stages, skills, super class, PQ, challenges, expert, titles, PvP, everything! Thanks a lot!
MahWallker com esse salvamento possivel pegar o trofeu de todas as MPS ( misses paralelas ) ?
Sim. Como ele explicou, basta fazer 1 miss£o qualquer.
com esse salvamento possivel pegar o trofeu de todas as MPS ( misses paralelas ) ?
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"[US] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Disc - Platinum Save [CUSA05350]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 10 comments