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[US] Thehunter: Call of the wild [CUSA08661]

Download Name: [US] Thehunter: Call of the wild [CUSA08661]  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Modded Game Saves & Sets

Author: ice

Submitted By: zoobare

Date Added:

Version: CUSA08661

File Size: 7.04 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 15

Downloads: 848

Views: 16,671

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

6.72 game save. you will need ps4 save wizzard to use this game save.
This is a brand new fresh start save.
You start with level 60, everything unlocked.
22 skill points to spend and a lot of money.

Re-sign your profile over the game save.
make sure all other thehunter saves are deleted from your console.
Yes make a backup of your original save.
Move the modded save to your console on the same profile you re-signed them for.

Turn off your internet on ps4/ps5
load thehunter up.
go in offline mode, turn off anonymous data and the hunt club.

Click continue, make sure your modded profile loads. once in game make sure the game save icon on the bottom corner shows up then turn your online back online.
make sure the game save icon shows up.
Now your free to go play and enjoy.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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"[US] Thehunter: Call of the wild [CUSA08661]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 15 comments

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CyB1K AutoBackPort is now out, might be able to convert new gamesaves for newest versions.. TESTING


Ahelp12 doest work i dont know why

You must Re-sign your profile over the game save you download from this page.


Ahelp12 doest work i dont know why

Hi, in order to mod the game save, the version of the save needs to be older than the game version you're trying to mod. If the save is close to the version, like 1.6, and your game is 1.7, I can mod it; however, some new features won't carry over. It's tricky, as the 1.81 version completely changed this option. All offsets are completely different; basic stuff like $, Skills, ALL Perks, and MAX XP W/Level is just a matter of searching Hdex locations. If you're still having difficulties, use floating to find and change them. I had success on population rotations but haven't messed with them since 1.81.


doest work i dont know why


how did you mod the money i been trying to do this on my save with HxD


how do you import this with savewizard?


Worked out some offsets for console, been changing some cool stuff, like ALL Skills ALL Perks, MAX XP W/Level 1, etc... If you want to make it work, make sure NO social_config, NO Hunt Club...

Working on unlocking Ghillie Suits without acct & offline... any hints would be appreciated.


Hlello possible Save Eu please


is there a EU version of the save


I honestly feel dumb, by any chance do you have a video tutorial or a step by step in instructions? I have playstation wizard but im not savy in how to resign your saved gameplay.