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Download Name: [US] ASSASSINS CREED REVELATONS 99% (CUSA05008)  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: KillProperty

Submitted By: PEEnineDEE

Date Added:

Version: 8.00+

File Size: 1.41 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 120

Views: 1,985

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

99% Save for a total of 8 trophies (ordered from highest percentage to lowest):

Worth A Thousand Words. You will spawn on the big, main island and all you have to do is fast-travel to Hagia Sophia via the tunnel nearby if you're completing this one along with Capped.

Holy Wisdom. After picking up the page just do the Hidden Tomb mission that appears on the map after picking up the final memoir page.

The Mentor. Find and complete the Master Assassin Mission located top right of the map to the right of the "Thieves HQ."

A Friend Indeed. Just complete the Master Assassin Mission as stated before and that'll earn you this trophy.

Pyromaniac. After completing The Mentor/A Friend Indeed you will spawn next to Piri Reis's place, just go inside and complete the final bomb mission.

Capped. Collect the final Animus data fragment next to where the last Ishak Pasha's memoir page is located. Near the Hagia Sophia tunnel if you can't find it on the map.

Fond Memories. Replay Sequence 8 Memory 3, End of the Road, and kill 20 guards. Might take you two tries if you don't kill most of the guards.

Sage. Go to the bookstore and buy the final book called Record of the Grand Historian.
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"[US] ASSASSINS CREED REVELATONS 99% (CUSA05008)" :: Login/Create an Account :: 1 comment

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why people rating this low, i got plat in like less than an hour, this the only reason i made an account so i could download this save