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S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat - Anomaly - SaveGame

Download Name: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat - Anomaly - SaveGame  

Category: PC Gaming PC Game Saves

Submitted By: Sean

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File Size: 1.73 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

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Downloads: 3

Views: 219

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Gender: male
Full name, surname, patronymic: Boris Dyurkonovich Vladislalovich.
Age: 26
Homeland: Czech Republic
Occupation: Lieutenant in the Czech Army (formerly), Ecologist (formerly), Lieutenant in the ISG group (formerly), Captain in the ISG group, as well as a free and hidden mercenary.
Status: Alive.
Location: Dead city (the main resting place from raids or orders).
Partners: St. Lieutenant Voirt died during a battle with the Monoliths at army warehouses. The first Lieutenant of Garia died from the clutches of 2 chimeras in the Red Forest. Both died after a successful operation. The first to die was First Lieutenant Garia, then 3 days later Art. Lieutenant Voirt.
Rank: Legend.
Relationship: Friend to Mercenaries and IIG.
Character: Calm and reasonable concept like love, empathy does not disappear at all. Sometimes he can contradict himself, but he tries to be reasonable in any situation.
Likes: any calm, but not completely boring neoclassical. Tea.
Hates: when he is touched, when the same information or phrase is repeated (except for sirens or other warnings), alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and absolutely snorks. Also, what he hates most is when every day is very similar to the last one (to be more specific, imagine Groundhog Day, only the dates change every day), but he can tolerate it.
Favorite weapons: pistols with silencers, as well as sniper rifles.
Other features: does not understand humor, except black. He can also use rifles as assault weapons.
Knows languages: English, Czech, German, Russian. He knows all these languages ​​like the back of his hand.

This is a save game of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly named Captain Durkonovic, who is a member of the International Research Group or ISG. In this save, open all achievements except 2 story ones and one called "Iron Curtain".
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Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

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