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[EU] Toukiden 2 - Starter Save (CUSA05719)

Download Name: [EU] Toukiden 2 - Starter Save (CUSA05719)  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: DefRekka

Submitted By: DefReaper

Date Added:

Version: CUSA05719

File Size: 7.73 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 7

Views: 314

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Yea, meo again, DjVolgin aka DefReaper or DefRekka, etc..., and hard exhausted after Hexing this Starter Save (mostly Starter Save).

Just play by ur self with random Character until u are in the Village (when ur Armor and Weapons are at shitty point :)

Hope u earn at least ''The Slayer Begins'' and ''Higher Learning'' Trophy (As i did, before my 666 Item Hex Editoring [6 HOURS!] started)

Congratulations so far, now copy my gamesave, after re-sign with Save Wizard, to ur consol and ejoy the crafting of most all weapon and armor on ur self.
Could not make part 6 Material get to work... but get not usable part 9?! Material in my list, wtf.

Also Your Inventory Box at Village is from 300 Spaces gained to 1500 Spaces.

Sell some of the unusable Material 4x 666 and u sold 1 million Credits for a Trophy called 'Tycoon' without selling Material u need.

P.s.: Its Girl Character, very ugly and old as a 6 feed dead corpse can be down under :)
I tryed the Health and Stamina thing to get more then 1000x running...[E803], but aint work, gets reset inGame.

Enjoy it, and have fun.
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