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[EU] Agatha Christie: Murder On The Orient Express - Masquerade Save

Download Name: [EU] Agatha Christie: Murder On The Orient Express - Masquerade Save [CUSA32938]   NEW

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: Reidso

Submitted By: Reidso

Date Added:

File Size: 3.07 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 0

Views: 19

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Interact with the passport (on ground - Select Pick up)

Press /\ and navigate (LS) to "Money in the backpack"

Select "From the Armstrong case ransom"

Ms Locke (automatically talking to her)

Solve the banknote puzzle...

Navigate to the 3rd screen, press X,
scroll down to NA 21502203 G

Press O

Navigate to the 6th screen, press X,
scroll down to NA 21518880 S and NA 2152764 C

** View Screenshot Provided **

Ms Locke (automatically talking to her)

What about Ratchett passport?
Ratchett wanted to disappear again, hiding behind another fake identity

Why did the murderer leave the money?
The motive is not the money

Passion or revenge?
The motive is revenge

Who is the murderer?
The same murderer who killed Ratchett

Who do these glasses belong to?
Susanne Moreau, Daisy's nanny

Why did he keep the glasses?
Trophies of his victims

!! Unskippable Dailogue Above !!
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