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World History Save Editor

Download Name: World History Save Editor  

Category: PC Gaming PC Game Trainers

Author: melstar66743

Submitted By: Thespian

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File Size: 265.86 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 7

Downloads: 676

Views: 26,074

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Ok, so I'm one of those out there who has the cracked, offline version of Dragon Age Inquisition for the pc. The problem I get into (and I know I'm not alone) is that if you go online you loose everything and you cannot get into Dragon Age Now after thorough searching (several months worth) I came across a forum which pointed out a Save Editor that was made about a year ago that really works like Dragon Age Keep!

So what to do:
1: Create a new game (new character, etc.) When you can control your character, as in the bridge in the very beginning outside of Haven's dungeon to attempt closing the tear in the veil, you have the ability to save. Do so. Make 2 just in case.
2: Exit the game entirely back to desktop. Open up the save editor, locate your Save folder. ex: Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age Inquisition\Save
3: Now it gets tricky. Once you've edited the world history as you want, save it and you have the option of renaming it. Find the original save and add the number 2 at the end of your new modified save. Exit the trainer.
4: In the Save folder, create a folder called Backup and place your original modified save within it.
5: Remove the 2 from your modified save and start up the game. It should now go where you left off with the world history as you wanted, just like Dragon Age Keep!!!

Be advised: Only modify Dragon Age Origins through Dragon Age 2. Don't mess with the current Dragon Age Inquisition history. You'll destroy your save.

Have fun gamers! I didn't make the editor, just sharing it for all my fellow gamers.
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"World History Save Editor" :: Login/Create an Account :: 7 comments

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I did a test and it works for editing Xbox 360, the bad thing is that the decisions do not have the same codes as the txt that the application comes with (I imagine that the encryption is different between systems) so there is no way to know what it is doing, we have to wait for someone to discover what each option is in their respective console


So in case anyone's wondering, this does work. At least for me. Don't know why people can't run the .jar file, it works just fine.


So When i try to import a save from DAI it gives a file not found exception. 'mapping/raw.txt' does not exist. When I checked the file is there is the folder.


Griffen I don't get it. What I download is a winrar file with a bunch of random files in it not even an installer. How am I supposed to "locate my save folder" ?!

you're suppose to extract the file run the jar and at the top left theirs a load button


I don't get it. What I download is a winrar file with a bunch of random files in it not even an installer. How am I supposed to "locate my save folder" ?!


Don't even bother. There's nothing in the files, I registered for this? Don't waste your time.


Hi. So I downloaded the Save Editor and unrared it onto my pc. But it gives me a bunch of files. Can you give me a step by step instructions on what to do with these files? Because I really want to change my World State. After playing Dragon Age 1 & 2 and all the addons, then, finding out that I can't import those saves to Dragon Age Inquisition without being online, you can understand how that can upset a person,hehe