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Afro Samurai (1000g) saveset

Download Name: Afro Samurai (1000g) saveset  

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Afro Samurai (1000g)

1. 100 kills - Just kill two more enemies to get 100 kills.Upon load their will be a cutscene of a guy with armor and a cigareete talking to Afro samurai asking him what
he is looking for. After the cutscene ends you will have to face to other enemies. Kill them two and the 100 kills is yours.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

2. Collect 5 mementos in THE DAIMYO'S STORY. - Upon load you'll be on a roof. They are stairs you must go up on but before going all the way up go left underneath a dragon statue
and follow that path around to the final memento in this level.

wait about 5-10mins before using next save.

3. Complete THE DAIMYO'S STORY. - Upon load you face the boss, defeat him to end the chapter. Tip on defeating him
is within the save folder.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

4. Torso From Tail - 50 bellie slices. Upon load run towards where the enemy flicks you off across the bridge. Once you arrive
on the other side their will be enemies to fight. All you need is 4 more bellie slices. Just go into focus mode (Hold LT)
and then hold the X button for a horizontal attack. Hold it till the shine reaches the end of the sword and aim for the
stomach area then release.

wait about 20-25mins before using next save.

5. Collect 5 mementos in "SCHOOL INVASION" & Unlock 10 skills. - Upon load there will be a cutscene. After cutscene run towards open door through Cave looking tunnel
till you reach outside. Once you do they will show a scene of a bunch of soilders running up at you. Defeat them. Then jump up first rock formation with a grassy top infront of you,
then from there jump to second rock formation infront of you, then to third where the memento is. Collecting this gives you two achievements. One for collecting all mementos in the chapter
and the other is unlocking 10 skills.

wait about 15-20 mins before using next save.

6. Complete SCHOOL INVASION. - Upon load just walk up the stairs and defeat all the enemies that come along to fight you and your sword master.

wait about 10mins before using next save.

7. Complete SWORD MASTER'S STORY. - Upon load you will fight the sword master. Defeat him for the chapter to end.
Tips in defeating him are within the save folder.

waita bout 10mins before using next save.

8. Unlock 25 skills. - Upon load their will be a cutscene as soon as you have control once again head outside of the house you are in. Then a mini cutscene will play with Android ninjas hoping
out of a well. Kill atleast two or three of them to gain another skill which will be your 25th. Use combos.

waita bout 10-15mins before using next save.

9. Collect 5 mementos in OKIKU'S STORY. - Upon load from where you are standing look to your right and you'll see a taller ledge. Grab on to it to get up on it and claim the last memento which is in the
shadow part of it.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

10. Complete OKIKU'S STORY. - Upon load go outside and defeat all the android ninjas. Afterwards you will face the boss of this chapter. Defeat him to end the chapter. Tip on defeating him is within the
save folder.

wait about 5-10mins before using next save.

11. Achieve a total of 3000 combos. - Upon load go into the hole that is infront of Afro. Defeat the guys with only combos keep mashing them combos. Blow up the box and go to the side
where you can wall run upward. Jump on the platform to the next canyon. You will come to a couple of soilders with gatling guns. Avoid them and go to the right of the beggining of the path.
Jump down keep moving forward and you'll face even more guys. Defeat them all with combos. You should get the 45 by now of before them.

no specific waiting period.

12. I am rubber & you are glue. - Upon load jump on the now lowered arm of the statue infront of you. Go down to the hand then on the wooden platform next to it then on the canyon. Go the direction where the boxes are shown are shown in
the mini cut scene. Fight the two guys off that appear. Then continue forward and they'll be a scene showing three ninjas and a shooter. Direction on how to slice a bullet in half and reflecting it are in the save folder.

wait about 5-10mins from getting the last two achievements.

13. Complete a Ronin Straight Flush. - Upon load run straight forward through the statues arms to the other side. Once you do you have to cut three ropes. Cut all three ropes than you'll be ambushed by a bunch of ronin soldiers.
Once the battle begins look for Ninja Ninja run up to him to start a body poker game. whihc is to cut off a ronins head, hand, and leg. Tip on doing so is within the save folder.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

14. Collect 5 mementos in THE LOWDOWN EAST PASS & Unlock 40 skills & complete Lowdown east pass. - Upon load head back to the statue (press down on the D-pad for ninja ninja to spawn in the direction you must go. When you arrive back at the statues hand go forward and jump on the wooden platform above under the raised
head. Walk over to the other shoulder where the last memento is, collecting this memento gives you 40 skill achievement as well. Afterwards turn around and head forward back to the shoulder you came from but before that shoulder
turn left to face the Boss of this chapter. Tip in defeating him are within the save folder.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

15. Complete a Ninja Straight Flush. - Upon load you'll be facing a bunch of male ninjas. Just go to Ninja Ninja to start a body part poker game. You can also get the female ninja straight flush here. To do so just eliminate all the male ninjas and the big samurai afterwards without starting a ninja ninja body
part poker game. Once the female ninjas appear, run up to ninja ninja and start the game.

wait about 10mins before using next save.

16. Complete an Android Straight Flush. - Upon oad run up the small set of stairs. Then a mini cutscene of Android ninjas will begin. Look for Ninja Ninja to start body poker game and get a head off of one enemy, a hand off another, and a leg off another.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

17. Collect 5 mementos in THE DOPPELGANGER. - Upon load defeat all the enemies. After defeating them wall run up the wooden planks. Keep going forward by wall running on the side wooden planks to the otherside with the enemies. Defeat them all run up, after you land
look up theirs another wooden ledge to jump on. Go up, then go forward to the 4th memento. After getting it backtrack to the valley in between the mountains. Keep going forward up the sets of stairs then up the skinny wooden pole to the otherside. Defeat all the androids
then cut the rope by jumping (press A) then go into focus in mid air then holding down X till the shine reaches the tip of the sword the release for the elevator to fall down. Then jump up in between the wooden planks to reach the top. You'll see the last memento in front of you before
going on the bridge.

wait about 5mins before using next save.

18. Complete a Samurai Straight Flush. - upon load just go forward unto the bridge and after the samurais talk their talk look for Ninja Ninja to start the body poker game. Get a Head, a leg, and a hand each off a different enemy.

wait about 10-15mins before using next save.

19. Complete THE DOPPELGANGER. - Upon load theirs a mini cut scene then you must fight AfroBot. Defeat him to end the chapter. Tip on how to defeat him is in the save folder.

wait about 20-25mins before using next save.

20. Collect 5 mementos in KUMA'S STORY. - Upon load go up the thick wooden pole infront of you and follow it till you can't go any further. Jump up. Once you do you have to defeat Kuma. Its easy just keep doing kick combos (B,B,B,B)
and add a few slashes. Once hes defeated, exit the room and go further to the edge infront of you for the 4th memento. From the 4th memento turn around and go right. Follow the right railing to the end for the 5th memento.

wait about 15-20mins before using next save.

21. Complete KUMA'S STORY. - Upon load you must defeat Kuma one last time. Just use the same basic method. Kick combos and add a few slashes from time to time. Defeat him to finish the chapter. However in his final phase with his mask completely removed hes alot harder. Tip in defeating him
is in the save folder.

wait about 30-35mins before using next save.

22. Collect 5 mementos in THE EMPTY SEVEN'S STORY. - Upon load go right and pull the lever by jumping on it. Then go up the stairs then wall run up the huge squared stone. Then jump back and forth up. Once you landyou'll have to defeat a couple of ninjas. Once defeated
wall run on the side to the furthest ledge and their will be the 4th memento. Turn around and go back to where you first landed. Wall run up then jump on the pole then to the wall. Jump up back and forth in between the walls. Once you land go forward by side wall running
al the way to the end. Defeat the ninjas then wall run up, jump from pole to pole to platform. Then jump up on the pole above you to jump in between the walls. Once you reach the top when the boss chamber door is infront of you DONT GO IN, head left instead and the final memento
is at the end. Now from the last memento go into the boss chamber door and defeat the last of the empty seven. Tip in defeating that boss is within the save folder.

wait about an hour before using next save.

23. Complete JUSTICE'S STORY. - Defeat the last boss. Tip in defeating him is within the save folder.

No specific wait time but I would say about 15mins.

24. Slice 50 enemies using a Vertical Attack with a bonus. - Just do three more. To do this easily first kick the enemy (B) then go into focus and hold down the Y button till the shine reaches the tip, then release.

No specific wait time but I would say about 25mins.

25. Slice off 100 heads with a bonus. - All you need is two more head slices.Choose continue and after the cutscene you'll be on a bridge. Go forward and you'll face enough guys to get the two head slices.

wait about 25-30mins before using next save.

26. 1000 kills. - You need 16 more kills to reach 1000. You can either select continue and get 16 kills in The Daimyo's story or after selecting the storgae device where the save is at you can select new game and when its ask you if you want to carry over starts, skills over to your new game select yes.
And then get the 16 kills in prelude. Either way.

wait about 40-45mins before using next save.

27. Unlock all skills. - Upon load you'll face Daimyo once again. Defeat him and when you do defeat him you'll unlock the last skill for the achievement.

wait about 30-35mins before using next save.

28. Spill 2000 gallons of blood. - Upon load go forward through the open door in front of you. Then run torwards the middle of the yard. Afterwards a scene will play showing enemies that you must firhgt in that yard. At this point you have 1,983 gallons of blood spilled. Just defeat them all or most and you'll get to 2000 gallons.
Remember that kills that were ended with combos not focus kills spill more blood. So mash that XXX, YYY, XXX, YYY, XXX combo plus do some focus kills. If you are running low on health theirs a Otsuru bear beneath the wooden awnings in one of the corners.

wait about one whole day before using next save.

29. Complete the game on both difficulties. - Upon load you will face Justice. The last boss of the game. Defeat him and the achievement is yours. Tip in defeating him is within the save folder.

wait about 1hr-3hrs before using next save.

30. 2000 kills. - You only need 12 kills more to reach 2000. Just hit continue and either load last checkpoint or select level and trabsfer the skills and stats over to new game. Either way just get 12 more kills.
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