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Prince Of Persia: Complete Orb Achievements Set (Unconfirmed)

Download Name: Prince Of Persia: Complete Orb Achievements Set (Unconfirmed)  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Author: Dark

Submitted By: Dark

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File Size: 1.40 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 323

Views: 1,655

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

100 - Turn a little to your left walk up to the wall and press "A" to grab on the veins. Now climb to the top right and lean right then press "A" to wall run and as soon as you are on the blue plate press "Y", then "Y" one more time to get you to another ledge. Pull yoursef up with "A" no walk over the other ledge, hang off of it then press "RT" to slide down. You will collect the last 3 you need for 100

200 - Walk forward and jump off the beam to collect one more orb.

300 - Turn a little to the left you will see an orb along a wall. Walk to the edge and wall run to pick it up.

400 - Turn around and collect a few more orbs in front of you.

500 - Turn a little to your right to see a large open balcony. Walk up to the edge and press "A" near the left wall to wall run to the blue plate. As soon as you hit the blue plate press "Y" and then one more time on the next plate. Now you will hit the wall running, once you hit the first ring hit "B" right before or while you are swinging on it and do the same for the next one. Now you will just slide down the wall and collect the orbs in front of you.

600 - Turn a little to your left, run towards the structure and turn right and collect the orb in front of you.

700 - Turn around and look to your left and grab one of the two orbs

800 - Walk forward and collect one more orb

900 - Jump to the beam in front of your, turn and walk to the wall and press "A" to jump up and collect the orb.

1,001 - Walk up the stair case into the temple and cut the tree
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Works really well thank you.