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GTA 5 Captain America Script Mod 2.3

Download Name: GTA 5 Captain America Script Mod 2.3  

Category: PC Game Mods

Submitted By: Loke

Date Added:

File Size: 25.22 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 16

Views: 1,277

Related Forum: PC General Forum

Item description:

- Aim your shield and throw it in any direction!
- Equip the shield and enable Captain America powers by pressing "i" on your keyboard (you can change the key in the .ini file).
- The shield will immediately return to you after hitting an opponent or a vehicle.
- If you miss, you must wait a certain number of seconds (Default: 6 seconds) before the shield returns back to you.
- If after 20 seconds your shield hasn't returned to you (ex: you threw it too far or it got stuck somewhere), you must go find and pick up your shield manually or spawn a new shield.
- You can pick up the shield manually by standing close to it and pressing the Sprint key/button.
- You can edit a few aspects of the mod with the included .ini file.
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Related Forum: PC General Forum

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