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South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Trainer

Download Name: South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Trainer  

Category: PC Gaming PC Game Trainers

Author: CheatHappens

Submitted By: Ethan

Date Added:

Version: 1.0

File Size: 696.09 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 9

Views: 1,114

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Activating this trainer:

Press F1 at main menu.

Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.

Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.


Trainer Options:

Numpad 1: Super Health

Numpad 2: Easy Ultimate Attack Power

Numpad 3: Super Fart Destruction Attack

Numpad 4: Mega Components

Numpad 5: Mega Money

Numpad 6: Fast Add XP

Numpad 7: Mega Followers

Numpad 8: Reset Selected Health

Numpad 9: Set Selected Health Super Character

Numpad 0: Set Selected Health Weak Character



Numpad 1: Super Health - while in combat and it's your turn, toggle this on and your main character has unlimited health.  You

can set the amount via the trainer.

Numpad 2: Easy Ultimate Attack Power - while in combat and you can press the number keys to select your attack, toggle this on and even if you don't have enough of the power meter filled, you can perform your Ultimate attack.

Numpad 3: Super Fart Destruction Attack - while in combat, if you toggle this on, it unleashes a damage buff to everything on the screen except your own character.  This includes your AI friends.  It sets their health to 1.  You may have to wait several seconds for it to work.  Toggle off once the effect has happened.  Use this to quickly set everything to low health so you can complete the battles faster.

Numpad 4: Mega Components - toggle this on and then enter the Inventory and everything you own is now set to the amount shown in the trainer.

Numpad 5: Mega Money  - toggle this on and then enter the Inventory and the money you own is now set to the amount shown in the trainer.

Numpad 6: Fast Add XP - toggle this on and when you earn XP from battles or from completing objectives, the amount shown in the trainer is what is added, which can potentially allow you to level up much quicker.

Numpad 7: Mega Followers - toggle on and then enter the the phone and then Coonstagram, to which your followers will be the max you can have (or you can set it to the value shown in the trainer if you use lower numbers).

Numpad 8: Reset Selected Health - while in combat, if you press R to open the aim reticle and then mouse that reticle over a character on the screen you can use this option to affect that character's health specifically.

Numpad 9: Set Selected Health Super Character - while in combat, if you press R to open the aim reticle and then mouse that reticle over a character on the screen you can use this option to affect that character's health specifically.  Usually used on  riendly units.

Numpad 0: Set Selected Health Weak Character - while in combat, if you press R to open the aim reticle and then mouse that reticle over a character on the screen you can use this option to affect that character's health specifically.  Usually used on enemy units.

Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - South Park Fractured Whole Trainer
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Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

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