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Company of Heroes 2 - Trainer

Download Name: Company of Heroes 2 - Trainer  

Category: PC Gaming PC Game Trainers

Author: CheatHappens

Submitted By: Famous

Date Added:


File Size: 475.18 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 11

Views: 582

Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum

Item description:

Using this Trainer:

Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu.

Listen for ""Activated"".

Press desired option key


Options in Promo:

Numpad 3: Ammo



Numpad 1: Manpower

Numpad 2: Fuel

Numpad 3: Ammo

Numpad 4: Command Points

Numpad 5: Reset Population

Numpad 6: Enemy Supply Lines

Numpad 7: Instant Troops

Numpad 8: Instant Buildings

[ Key: Heal Selected Unit

] Key: Weaken Selected Unit

\ Key: Super Selected Unit

8 Key: Heal Selected Building

9 Key: Weaken Selected Building

0 Key: Super Selected Building

Numpad .: Command Cooldowns



PLEASE NOTE THAT THE WAY THE OPTIONS WORK HAS CHANGED! Every Effort was made to make these options work ONLY for the team intended! Use the options as directed.

Numpad 1: Manpower - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 2: Fuel - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 3: Ammo - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 4: Command Points - press key and you will have plenty

Numpad 5: Reset Population - press key and you will set your population to zero so you can create more troops.

Numpad 6: Enemy Supply Lines - toggle this ON and the enemy supply lines will be cut. The enemy will stop creating troops and buildings. TURN THIS OFF WHILE LOADING MAPS AND WHEN THE SKIRMISH OR MISSION ENDS OR THE GAME MIGHT CRASH!

7: Instant Troops - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Press this option key and then start a troop or upgrade. The option turns itself off after several seconds. If the FIRST item queued up doesn't finish instantly, simply click on it again in the queue to cancel it and then start a fresh one. It will then finish rapidly.

8: Instant Buildings - - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Press this option key and then start creating a building. The option turns itself off after several seconds. When you create a builiding, it will complete quickly. Make sure to have your builders already near the area to build the building, otherwise the option may shut off before they begin building.

[ Key: Heal Selected Unit - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Make sure your mouse is NOT over the unit you wish to affect and also that it is NOT ALREADY SELECTED. Press this option and then click on the unit you wish to affect. I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse to drag around units. This will heal the unit back up. If you have selected an infantry, only ONE of the infantry will recieve the heal. This does not work on enemy units. The option will shut itself off after a few seconds.

] Key: Weaken Selected Unit - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Make sure your mouse is NOT over the unit you wish to affect and also that it is NOT ALREADY SELECTED. Press this option and then click on the unit you wish to affect. I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse to drag around units. This will make the unit weak. If you have selected an infantry, only ONE of the infantry will be affected. This does not work on enemy units. The option will shut itself off after a few seconds.

\ Key: Super Selected Unit - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Make sure your mouse is NOT over the unit you wish to affect and also that it is NOT ALREADY SELECTED. Press this option and then click on the unit you wish to affect. I suggest you select a SINGLE UNIT and not use the mouse to drag around units. This will create a super unit that has very high health. If you have selected an infantry, only ONE of the infantry will recieve the heal. This does not work on enemy units.The option will shut itself off after a few seconds.

8 Key: Heal Selected Building - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Make sure your mouse is NOT over the building you wish to affect and also that it is NOT ALREADY SELECTED. Press this option and then click on the building you wish to affect. I suggest you select a SINGLE building and not use the mouse to drag around units. This will heal the building back up. This option works on the enemy buildings as well! The option will shut itself off after a few seconds.

9 Key: Weaken Selected Building - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Make sure your mouse is NOT over the building you wish to affect and also that it is NOT ALREADY SELECTED. Press this option and then click on the building you wish to affect. I suggest you select a SINGLE building and not use the mouse to drag around units. This will weaken the building dramatically. This option works on the enemy buildings as well! The option will shut itself off after a few seconds.

0 Key: Super Selected Building - WORKS DIFFERENTLY NOW! Make sure your mouse is NOT over the building you wish to affect and also that it is NOT ALREADY SELECTED. Press this option and then click on the building you wish to affect. I suggest you select a SINGLE building and not use the mouse to drag around units. This will create a very strong building. This option works on the enemy buildings as well! The option will shut itself off after a few seconds.

Numpad .: Command Cooldowns - some powers or actions can be done on the Command Points bar (such as the IL Stormovik plane). Use this key to reset the timers so that you can more quickly call those powers or actions again. This does NOT work for specific unit powers and is ONLY for the Special Command powers timers.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
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