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Legend of Grimrock 2 - Save Editor

Download Name: Legend of Grimrock 2 - Save Editor  

Category: PC Game Mods

Author: Andak Rainor

Submitted By: Dextera

Date Added:

File Size: 38.93 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 26

Views: 3,310

Related Forum: PC General Forum

Item description:

This tool was mainly created to clean save game files from mod skills and traits to export a party and import in a new game. The game engine does not support importing champions with undefined skills, spells and traits inherited from another mod for example.

However with it you can edit anything else to your liking in a save game file. As always, please don't overwrite any of your precious files when using this tool. You can change anything in the file data (and change things you should not!). To prevent accidents, the file menu only has a "save as" option; it is recommended to create a new file when you are experimenting with the tool.

the menus:


- open: browse to your grimrock directory and select a save game file (*.sav) to open.

- save as: be careful if you choose to overwrtie anything.


- undo: undo your last edition

- redo: redo your last undone edition

- copy: copy an element from the file. If you copy an element from the STAB chunk, a text or a portrait's image, you can paste it in other applications.

- cut: copy + remove

- paste: overwrites the selected element with the copied one. You can paste text or image from other applications to an element in the STAB chunk.

- insert: inserts the copied element before the selected one.

- remove: removes an element.

- remove all mods traits: removes all traits from champions which are not from the original game.

- convert all mods skills to unused points: removes all skills from champions which are not from the original game, and grants the lost skill points as unused points for each champion. Be careful if you undo this to check the unused points.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: PC General Forum

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