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Category: PC Gaming PC Game Save Editors

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Why another manager?
Other managers seem to be dead projects. The creator created them, fixed any bugs found, then dropped them as is and left them as a simple save manager. I would like to make the save manager that everyone loves. Maybe even add support for plugins in the future? For now, it is version 2.1.1 and simple yet, in my opinion, elegant. I made this for me, but I am uploading it here because I want to see where this save manager can go and what it can become with suggestions/feedback from other Nexus users.


Save Folder Cleaner
Backup Selected Character
Backup All Characters
Save File List
View save information
Delete all saves with same name
Delete character
Create new character and skip wagon
Supports flash drives.

Clean Saves
The Clean Saves button will take the selected character (It doesn't have to be the currently loaded one) and do 1, 2, or 3 things depending on the options you set. The options are

Delete Autosaves (Yes or No)
Create Backup (Yes or No)
How many saves do you want to keep? (Enter a number or use up/down arrow to increase/decrease the number)

If you choose yes for Delete Autosaves, it will delete those as well as old saves.
If you choose to create a backup it will put a copy of all of the save files in a zip folder before deleting the files you want deleted.
Set the "How many saves do you want to keep?" to any number you want. The way it works is by loading every save in order from oldest to newest. Once it gets them all in order, it begins deleting them by starting at the oldest and moving towards the newest. It will subtract the amount you want to keep from the total number of files so it knows how many it should delete (e.g. You have 10 saves, you say to keep 3. 10 - 3 = 7. 7 files will be deleted).
Backup Selected Character

Backup selected character will do exactly what it says. it will create a copy of every save file for that character and put those copy in a zip file. Choose where to store your backups!

Backup All Characters

Backup all characters... you get the idea. All of them at once in their own individual zip files.. :D

Flashdrive support

You can run Skyrim Save Manager from a flashdrive if you wish. not only that, you can create a folder on that flash drive (e.g. Saves) and add that as a save file location to store your saves there. I tested this myself by adding a Save folder to the flashdrive, adding the folder to the save locations, loading a character that was stored in that location, and then loading a different character. When I loaded the character from the flashdrive, all files moved properly. When I loaded a different character, it moved the files back to the flash drive. You can now carry all of your Skyrim saves and the manager right in your pocket. :D

Save File List

As soon as you select a character, even before you press the "Load" button, it will create a list of all save files and put them in a list on the left hand side in order from oldest to newest. The best part (In my opinion) no doubles. If you have two files with the same name but different extensions (For example, if you use SKSE you will have {savename}.ess and {savename}.skse but you will only see {savename} once in your list. Which brings us to the next feature. Now supporting multi-select as of version 2.1.0

Delete all saves with same name

If you use SKSE, every save has two files instead of one (See above feature). Not only does the save list only show this double save as a single file name, but if you select a save and click Delete (top left side with the save file stuff, not the one on the right with character stuff), it will delete both. Also, if you use a script cleaning mod, usually you will end up with a .bak file for the cleaned file, so you could have {savename}.ess, {savename}.ess.bak, and {savename}.skse. With my save manager, you only have to click once to delete all three (Or even four if there is a .skse.bak file).

Delete Selected Character

To delete a character you just have to select the character in the list and click delete. This will delete any saves for this character but will not delete your backups. Maybe I should add a feature to list backups with the option to delete those as well. :D Idea

NO wagon scene

My program has "Save 1 - Prisoner Skyrim.ess" and "Save 1 - Prisoner Skyrim.skse" files built in. The best part, they are right before Hadvar says "Who are you?". All you have to do is click "New" under the character selection box and will automatically store your previous character (if one is loaded) and write the files to your saves folder so all you have to do is click New and start Skyrim and you're ready. The saves are created in a no mod environment as well so you don't have to worry about mods missing or orphan scripts attacking you later. The only things installed at the time of save creation was Skyrim Legendary Edition and SKSE.

TODO List:

Add the ability to show all backup files on the left and delete them individually
Add a backup cleaner function to go through and delete all but the most recent backup of each character.
Add a restore option to automatically delete all existing files for the restored character then retrieve the files from the backup.
Add support for saves in custom locations. (Like Mod Organizer)
Add option to set backup file location.
Add ability to delete multiple save files at once
Show a preview of the save information including screenshot
Get current character's name from save file binary instead of title
Option to delete to recycle bin
Added button to unload current character to offer the ability to store them all in a specific location just in case someone wants all of their saves stored on a flashdrive for portability


Q: Why doesn't your program do {this}?
A: Did you suggest it to me? If yes, I'm either working on it or I don't like the idea (If I don't like it, I'll probably let you know or try to come up with a better solution with your help). If no, that's why.

Q: Does it need to be installed?
A: No. It is a standalone .exe file and you can even run it from a flash drive and carry your saves with you wherever you go!

Q: It won't load/I get an error when I try to start it?
A: Be sure you have the correct .Net version installed. This program requires .Net 4.6 which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website at this link

Change log
v2.1.1 - Added a button to unload the currently loaded character. This will give compatibility to keeping your saves in a folder on a flashdrive so you can take your saves with you anywhere you go. (The target functionality here is for portability of saves on a flashdrive/usb hard drive but if you find another use for it then awesome. :D
v2.1.0 - You can now select multiple save files and backup files to delete them. Show preview information of save file when you mouse over it (Information disappears when your mouse hovers over a new item or your mouse leaves the file list. improved file handling settings now save properly. Added option to delete files to recycle bin instead of delete permanently
v2.0.2 - Made a silly mistake and forgot to make the new backup location textbox show the location of the new backup and forgot to set the Done button to save the new backup location.
v2.0.0 - Big changes. Added the ability to set the location that your backups are stored. Added the ability to keep your saves in multiple locations (beta feature, to keep it the original way, just don't add any new folders). Changed the way characters and their information are handled (Added a custom Character Class which holds the save location and save file names). Changed the view of the file lists to alternate between black and dark gray background colors. Added a settings form with options to enable/disable delete character warning and delete backup warning (A setting for each). Settings page is also how you add/remove another save location. Settings page is also used to change backups location.
v1.1.1 - I realized I had compiled the application on the x64 architecture. Recompiled as x86 to allow compatibility with 32-bit operating systems. Should fix some "This app can't run on your pc" errors.
v1.1.0 - Added a form for deleting backups, cleaning backups, and restoring backups! :D
v1.0.1 - Added a warning before deleting character to prevent accidental character deletion.

Author: EilaDoll
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"THE ELDER SCROLLS 5: SKYRIM - SAVE MANAGER V.2.1.1" :: Login/Create an Account :: 1 comment

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Thank you man! I'll wait for future updates..