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PS3 - Alien Breed: Impact (Save Set)

Download Name: PS3 - Alien Breed: Impact (Save Set)  

Category: PlayStation 3 PS3 Game Saves & Sets

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

File Size: 2.30 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 13

Views: 840

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Right here we go on then, start a new game, leave the room you start off in and go to the room opposite you to the right and collect the 'door fuse', use that on the door to the left of the room your in.
Now head left untill you come to some double doors on your right, go through there and collect the 'key card' then go back and use the 'key card' on the door opposite you. Follow the u shaped hallway killing any aliens in your way untill you come to 2 glass windows.

'Vandal - Break The Glass In Any Window'

Now head back to near the start, dont bother searching the corpes, and you should see a room at the bottom of the main corridor. go in there and log on to the intex terminal. Leave the controller idol for 30minutes while browsing the intex terminal for

Just Browsing? - In single player Story mode, spend 30 minutes or more in the Intex Terminal menus.

After 'Just Browsing?' pops save your game for...

Saving The Day - In single player Story mode, save the game using the Intex Terminal.

Now just continue playing untill you have killed 25 aliens.

Born To Kill - Kill 25 aliens in single player.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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