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SplatHeX A Splatoon 2 Save Editor

Download Name: SplatHeX A Splatoon 2 Save Editor  

Category: Nintendo Switch

Submitted By: Sean

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File Size: 12.37 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 252

Views: 11,619

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Item description:

v 0.4.3
Splat 1: Fix rarity of gear.
Fix a bug in Player Editor that did not allow to display the octoling gender correctly.
Add compability with Octo Expansion Gear.
Add support for Octoshot.
Add New Albacore Hotel to unlockable maps.
Allow SplatHeX to decrypt/encrypt savegames by drag & drop them into the SplatHeX.exe file.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.4.2
Fix a bug with Plaza Image Editor.
Fix a bug in salmon run editor where it was not possible to store changes.
Fix a bug in Gear Editor where it was not possible to change the main ability of salmon run gear.
Add option to remove all Shoal Maps, so they can be fixed by the game when you connect online again.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.4.1
Add Plaza Image editor. You can now upload your own plaza images. To get the file, you can follow Section 2 (step 1 - 4) in this tutrial.
Fix a bug in salmon run editor where it crashed when some values are too high.
You can now see the current freshness level of your weapons. Editing is subject for later.
Fix a bug in story mode editor.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.4
Add option to unlock all weapons in the store.
Add Murch Editor.
Rank X: You can now see your latest position in the leaderboard.
Show Sub/Special weapons at the weapon overview page.
Fix a bug where the player editor shows text that is not for the mode.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.3.1
Add option to unlock all maps for The Shoal while you are offline.
Fix a bug where Player Editor could not open due to too high star level.
Fix a bug where the eye colours of inklings were displayed incorrectly.
Fix a bug in save decryption so octo expansion data can be load and stored correctly.
Implement octolings - can be selected when you unlock them in-game.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.3
Finalize Player Editor - You can now take a look at your rank, your MMR, and your Win/Lose bar.
Fix a bug where loot in salmon run was not displayed correctly.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.2.1
Fix a bug in gear editor that might not allow to promote gear to level 4 when they have EXP.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.2
Add WIP Player Editor.
Changes the way not unlocked gear-slots are displayed.
Further improvements to overall software stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
v 0.1
First beta release.
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Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

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Why can't I download it? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm