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Fairy Fencer F (Save Set)

Download Name: Fairy Fencer F (Save Set)  

Category: PlayStation 3 PS3 Game Saves & Sets

Submitted By: Sean

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File Size: 1.66 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 30

Views: 1,324

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Item description:

Transfer all saves to the USB and then copy them to your PS3. You will have to add your own param.sfo to all saves!

Then when you're in the game, load the following numbered saves and perform these actions.

- Unseal the goddess with S-rank card
- Plant the sword to raise tower's level to f39
- Go to lv39 of the tower, win the battle, then go to town and to the bar for a subevent
- Get the 40th fairy card, which is another S-rank card
- Unseal the devil, kick his ass and get GoldT (for defeating him) as well as SilverT (for unsealing all 40 swords). Don't underestimate him, he can still hit hard despite your levels, so don't neglect healing.
- Plant the sword to raise tower's level to f40
- Go to lv40 of tower and defeat the enemy for GoldT (conquering all 40 floors of the tower)
- Upgrade Fang with WP to maximum to get SilverT (upgrade one party members abilities to full) and BronzeT (upgrade one ability)

Note: Fighting at least one battle will also give you three trophies for amount of battles fought.
BronzeT (50 battles won), Bronze T (200 battles won), and SilverT (500 battles won)

SAVE32: Go to "!", defeat the series of four bosses and wait for end credits to get SilverT (Normal ending seen)

SAVE30: Go to "!", defeat the series of four bosses and wait for end credits to get GoldT (Alyn ending seen)

SAVE14: Go to "!", defeat the series of four bosses and wait for end credits to get GoldT (Tiara ending seen)

SAVE24: Go to "!", defeat the boss and get BronzeT (for getting Rolo on your team)

SAVE21: Go to "!", defeat the boss and get BronzeT (for getting Apollones on your team)

SAVE35: Turn in S rank advancement quest for SilverT (achieve S guild rank)

1. Load up save 33, and go to floor 14 of the tower. Use Harler, transform her and then use her EX ability to score 275 hits against the five enemies you're fighting for SilverT (achieve 250+ hits).
2. Still on floor 14, have Tiara and Harler on the team, then use Tiara's 200 SP attack skill for 65hits on enemies, followed by transforming Harler, and using her EX ability for massive damage. If total exceeds 100000 damage, you get another SilverT (inflict more than 100000 damage).
3. After you get second S-rank fairy from f39 of the tower, level the card to lv10 by fighting two battles on f28 of the tower for BronzeT (increase a fairy rank to lv10).
4. Achieve Avalanche in any next battle for SilverT (get 100 avalanche attacks).
5. BronzeT (play for more than 20 hours) should pop up automatically.
6. Achieve full tension meter in any next battle for SilverT (have tension meter maxed 300+ times).
7. Load up save 30, defeat the final boss series and make a clear data save. Then load this save and skip all events by pressing R2, then confirming by picking top prompt. You get BronzeT at start of game (for becoming Alyn's Fencer), another BronzeT at about 30% into the game (for traveling somewhere spoilerish), and another BronzeT about 60% into the game (for powering up Alyn). Since you're level70+ with my main team Fang, Tiara and Harler, you should be able to get these three trophies within 40 minutes.

Unfortunately I no longer have the saveset for remaining five trophies, which are...

1. BronzeT (have 100.000.000 gil).
2. SilverT (kill 10000 enemies).
3. SilverT (perform 300 air combos).
4. BronzeT (one party member hits lv99)
5. GoldT (all party members are lv99).
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
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There isn't a save 33 in this save set. I see 13, 20, 23, 27, 29, 31, 32 and 34