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Download Name: Alteration  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Save Editors & Tools

Author: Dark

Submitted By: Dark

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File Size: 1.72 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 380

Views: 2,444

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

Halo 3 .MAP Editor


Meta Grid.
Meta Editor.
Library System.
Tag Renaming. (Requires special XEX)
Locale Editor w/ any string lengths ( Require special XEX)
Screenshot - Captures a framebuffer from the Xbox 360, and decodes it. (The format should b A2R10G10B10)
Xbox Debug Communicator - include a file system tool, can send commands and receive responses to/from the Xbox.
Map Package Creator - Add your own maps to your mainmenu. I made my own imaging classes so you only need to supply one image and the program will process it to make the others (gametype, etc). Requires a special XEX.
Protect maps.
Generate Plugins - Will appear frozen (saves time not rendering UI), it is not.. It is also very time consuming.. And not perfect.. I don't suggest using it.
Rename Plugins - If you have our .ent plugins, put them in the \Plugins\ folder, and run this, and itll rename the .ent to .alt, which is our plugin format, same thing really, different file extension.
Container editors.. (hasn't been worked on in forever, totally forgot about it till now, only opens usermaps, and doesn't edit.. Whoops..)
Create/Apply patches - This will definately be redone soon since when you rename tags, it changes map file size..
Change Fill Mode - Hell I don't even know what Anthony did here, it changes fill mode(wireframe, point, etc) but it only works on some maps, and takes a bit(10 seconds?) to take effect. It's something to do with the actual game if I remember what Anthony said..
Print Cam Debug Info - Enabled the pancam text which tells you where you are ingame, coordinate wise.
Create/Apply RTH Data - When you make changes in the Meta Editor, instead of poking, you can save these changes to a file which you can RTH/Apply to memory later.
Raw Table Viewer - Views Raw Table. This is used specifically for research. It contains a Raw Locations Index( a reflexive in the tag, and points to the Raw Pools reflexive.. It's messy business hehe.
Go to Tag(in Meta Grid) - Allows you to click an Ident, and open the tag you selected.
Multitabbed - If you don't notice this feature, good job. The program has multiple tabs, so you can right click your document containing your Meta Editor/Grid, etc. And click New Document, and use that. Any tag you click, or editor you open, will open in your actively selected document.
Poking/RTH - Duh. The reason this program was made.. Real time researching allows you to instantly make changes to certain values as you play. The only values that cant be changed are ones that are loaded somewhere else in memory from the start. For instance.. if I poke a mainmenu widget, it must be reloaded to take effect, so I'd click custom games, and go back to the mainmenu and it'd be there. Another example is if I edit some things in the bipd, I might need to die, so I respawn with my changes. But most values are normally pokeable without this problem anyways.. Keep in mind.. it's not a program problem.. It's how the Halo 3 works.. Don't like it? Go bitch to Bungie that you can't mod the way you want to, so they can laugh in your face.
View Value as (In Meta Editor) - Right click a value, and view it as if it were another value, good for researching.
Copy structure information (In Meta Editor) - Copy the pointer, offset, size, and count of chunks in a struct. Also copy and paste chunk data and overwrite others.
Script Decompiler - Done by Soldier of Lite, decompiles scripts from the map file.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: Xbox Forum

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Does this Still work ? Wanting to know. Thanks