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2696 - Kirby Super Stars Ultra (USA)

Download Name: 2696 - Kirby Super Stars Ultra (USA)  

Category: Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Game Saves

Author: hillsy_

Submitted By: r00t

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File Size: 3.28 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 41

Views: 818

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Item description:

This is a 100% complete save game. It is the American Version.2696 - Kirby Super Stars Ultra (USA)Unlocked Sound Option Mode.Unlocked Dynablade Mode.Unlocked Great Cave Offensive Mode.Unlocked Tourmet Race Mode.Unlocked Revenge of the Metaknight Mode.Unlocked Milkyway Wishes Mode.Unlocked Revenge of the King Mode.Unlocked The Arena Mode.Unlocked The True Arena Mode.Unlocked Meta Knightmare Ultra Mode.Unlocked Helper to Hero Mode.Unlocked Metaton Punch Bonus Game.Unlocked Samurai Kirby Bonus Game.Unlocked Bonus Movie - Fly! MetaknightUnlocked Bonus Movie - Special Edition Blooper Reel.Everything has been unlocked and collected.Arena Mode and True Arena Mode have been finished, represented by 2 of the gold stars.All 11 out of 11 Gold Stars Collected - See the game save file.All 60 out of 60 Treasures collected for the Great Cave Offensive Mode.All 19 out of 19 Essence Copies collected for the Milkyway Wishes Mode.The game is complete as it shows all the 11 out of 11 Gold Stars collected and puts the word 'True' on the save game file.Missing fact:34 out of 36 Movies collected. 2 movies are missing and could be related to the 'Helper to Hero' game mode, or the 2 player mode. You need to complete the former mode about 20 times, with each helper; I only finished it with 1 to obtain the Gold Star. Then again, it could be to do with the 2 player option for the forementioned mode, as it is related to this game mode. If somebody can confirm this, it would be appreciated.Note: Most of the modes let you select the level or chapter you wish to play again.The game is 98% Finished.R4DS save file (v1.18)Enjoy!PS: A good game, Try Arena or True Arena mode for a challenge. or Revenge of the Metaknight for the movies The Great Cave offensive was well done too. Overall, good stuff! Watch the SE Blooper Reel movie for some funny out-takes. Nice touch.
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