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Skate It DS (USA)

Download Name: Skate It DS (USA)  

Category: Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Game Saves

Author: chengdu100

Submitted By: r00t

Date Added:

File Size: 2.82 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 2

Downloads: 64

Views: 2,550

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Item description:

This save game was saved with CycloDS Evolution firmware 1.5. I know a lot of people are having problems beating this game, so I'm putting this up. I deleted my custom logos and changed the save name, so you customize it yourself. The game is beat, and has 91% completion. All the levels are open to skate. There are only about 4 or 5 missions left to complete, they will give you the final skate park pieces and some shirts or wheels. I have all shoes, decks, and trucks. Only a couple wheels are locked, and maybe a shirt or two. Otherwise this game is opened and ready! Enjoy.
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Kobiii Where's the save file location? Btw iam using android drastic emulator please help me

Rename "skate it" to ur rom name u downloaded, put into "DraStic" then "backup", rename sav to dsv, that's all


Where's the save file location? Btw iam using android drastic emulator please help me