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M3Kaura 0.9 Beta1 Modified w/R4RTS 3.0b

Download Name: M3Kaura 0.9 Beta1 Modified w/R4RTS 3.0b  

Category: Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Flashcart Files

Author: dsrules

Submitted By: r00t

Date Added:

File Size: 20.19 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 157

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Item description:

M3Sakura System with 2.1 Boot Menu Ver0.9 Beta1 Modified v3

1. Sakura 1.46 2nd Edition game engine, ignore the 1.44 when Sakura is loading, the # means nothing
2. replaced Touchpod with R4RTS v2.6f English (credit goes to Xenon++ for the patch files that make this possible)
3. replaced English fonts to make the Internal Rom Names more fittable in the big boxes and Japanese,Chinese names viewable instead of all ????????
4. includes the CP1251 font folder to display&corrected the translation into Russian , uploaded by mc_B3oWoLF's M3Kaura 0.9 Beta 1 Rus
5. includes the Portuguese language (credit goes to amaro and mc_B3oWoLF), and edited Spanish, French language files by mc_B3oWoLF
6. newest cheat_eng.db and usrcheat.dat from Gbatemp
7. removed Moonshell2 from R4iRTS to save 20+mb of zipped space
8. added R4iRTS icon (made by amaro) in place of

Touchpod icon in System Boot menu
Warning: Kaura is known to corrupt Save Files that is in lowercase *.sav, backup all your save files to your pc to ensure safety, then rename all your *.sav files in your micrSD to upper case *.SAV. An easier way to do that is to create a simple batch file

1. Open Notepad and type the following:
ren *.sav *.SAV

2. Save the file as a batch file by clicking on File>Save As..>Save as type: All Files (*.*)> (type in a filename with the extension .bat) sav2SAV.bat, click Save

3. copy the sav2SAV.bat file to your microSD that has the *.sav save files in it and double click on sav2SAV.bat to convert all *.sav files to *.SAV


to prevent Kaura from corrupting newer game saves, run the game once in Kaura and let it create a *.SAV save file before running the game on other firmwares

Note: When you go to the Cheats Menu in R4iRTS, many cheats might have already be selected but not enabled, clear all the cheats first then enable the ones you want to use.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

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