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pokemon black sav. file 1.9

Download Name: pokemon black sav. file 1.9  

Category: Nintendo DS Nintendo DS Game Saves

Author: robijn

Submitted By: r00t

Date Added:

File Size: 21.33 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 41

Views: 753

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Item description:

in the party is kyurem lvl75 carracosta lvl100 zekrom lvl100
serperior lvl100 archeops lvl100 and reshiram lvl100
in the pc is darmanitan lvl35 conkeldurr lvl25 herdier lvl26
joltik lvl24 klink lvl25 ferroseed lvl24 stoutland lvl38 drilbur lvl24 zebstrika lvl31 victini lvl41 excadrill lvl35 druddigon lvl31 golett lvl30 watchog lvl43 krookodile lvl69 hydreigon lvl68 swellow lvl47 and emboar lvl100 tms and hmssyshock toxic blizzard hyper beam thunderbolt thunder shadow ball double team fire blast rock tomb torment thief overheat energy ball fling skydrop acrobatics shadow claw payback retaliate giga impact flash volt switch struggle bug bulldoze frost breath x-scissor dragon tail work up flash cannon cut fly surf and waterfall
564 rare candy 489 full restore 196 revivval herb (works the same as full revive) 4 pp up

played out the story mode (defeated n and ghetsis) still have the find 5 sages gender character boy named robijn.
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Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

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