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MouseCraft Save Set

Download Name: MouseCraft Save Set  

Category: PlayStation 3 PS3 Game Saves & Sets

Submitted By: Sean

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File Size: 10.53 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 5

Views: 381

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

1 WRECKER (Level 9)- Resume the latest level. Press triangle to highlight and X to blast the blocks. Blast all
3 blocks. Then restart the level for trophy. You may need to do it twice in case it won't pop after 1st time.

2 SMASHER (Level 12)- Resume the latest level. Drop the tetris blocks on the ratoids (robotic rats). Destroy 1 more
ratoid. Then restart the level for trophy.

3 ANARCHIST (Level 12) - Resume the latest level. Drop the flat tetris block on the 2 ratoids to destroy them. Then
restart the level for trophy.

4 SCUBA DIVER (Level 23) - Resume the latest level. You are allocated two 'T' shaped bricks. You will need to place
one 'T' shape brick upside down, 1 brick width away from the left wall and the other 'T' shape, 1 brick width away
from the first brick's right hand side, having the whole flat edge face the first 'T' shape like this (I-). When
you start the level, the mice will simply walk back and forth over the upside down 'T', spending almost all of
their 10 second life under water each side of it. Fast forward the mice for approximately 15 seconds, then restart
the level for trophy.

5 PYROTECHNIC (Level 34) - Resume the latest level. Press square to fast forward till the ratoids blow up the
explosive. One ratoid should die there. Then restart the level for trophy.

6 GOLD DIGGER ENTHUSIAST (Level 40) - Simply complete the level. Use link for visual aid.

7 CRISPY (Level 46) - Resume the latest level. Place down the 4 Brick long Electric Brick, upright just ahead of the
Ratoid. When it walks into the Electric Brick, you will see it be electrocuted and killed. Placing the Electric Brick
on top of the Ratoid doesn't count towards this trophy, as you are simply just crushing it. The Ratoid has to walk
into the electric brick. Destroy 1 more ratoid. Then restart the level for trophy.

8 CHEMIST (Level 52) - Resume the latest level. At the start of the level, you have two Ratoids that are walking over
bricks overhanging an Acid pool. Use a Bomb to destroy the Bricks and the Ratoids will fall into the Acid and die.
Destroy 2 more ratoids. Then restart the level for trophy.

9,10,11 COMPLETIONIST, COLLECTOR, GOLD DIGGER EXPERT (Level 80) - Simply complete the level. Use link for visual aid.

12 DESIGNER - To design a level, select level editor from the main menu, then create new. On the left hand side,
you have the objects you can place down. Simply put down a spinning wheel and the cheese anywhere on the level, then
save your level with the save icon on the right hand side.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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