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Popsloader Plugin 3.00-3.11

Download Name: Popsloader Plugin 3.00-3.11  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 12.07 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 106

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Just a few days after telling the homebrew community that he would not be making a 3.11 custom firmware any time soon, Dark-AleX comes back to us to fulfill other promise - a POPS loader that should enable 3.10 OE to load POPS from 3.00 to 3.11 OE. This shouldn't come as a suprise for most of us, given that even DAX mentions that the only major difference between 3.10 and 3.11 is the POPS - which is exactly what this plugin will remedy, and then some (loads from 3.00 to 3.11, remember?). There's not much else to say at this point, except our usual reminder to for you to view the full instructions included in this bundle's README. Also do remember to thank DA for his efforts - we all appreciate it. Thanks dude!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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