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L:UA (Lua Utility Applications) v1.0.5 Unofficial

Download Name: L:UA (Lua Utility Applications) v1.0.5 Unofficial  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.12 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 76

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Glynnder s has unofficially updated Xandu's amazing L:UA Lua utility applications compilation today, providing some fixes in the coding and adding to the already pretty extensive application list. The aim of L:UA is to provide a handy tool to organize the Lua files of your beloved handheld. Included in the first version was a PSP Lua counter, a Pix fix and a PSP button tester, with Glynnder adding another application to the list with this unofficial version, Xandu's iCalculator v1.0. The major point of this unofficial release is to address a few problems Glynnder found in the coding of L:UA. Here's what Glynnder said: " I saw unnecessary RAM usage in this, as the text for the counter and stopwatch were images, I also discovered that the counter could only reach 60 and the timer kind of crashed at some point. So, I rewrote both of the so they are both unlimited, the counter shows any number, (all from -99 to 999 fit in the 'box') and the timer shows milli's, secs, mins, and hours." Here's the changelog: * Bugfix * Added iCalculator * Freed up RAM * Switched from images to text (keping the file size and RAM usage small) * Completely rewrote Counter * Completely rewrote Timer Now you can get even more out of this great application and if you are using L:UA v1.0.2 we suggest you update to this version at least until Xandu has a chance to update the official version.
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