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PsPixel v2.0 04/30/11 update (Unsigned)

Download Name: PsPixel v2.0 04/30/11 update (Unsigned)  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 1013.17 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 83

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Homebrew coder Kinow has updated PsPixel, a homebrew app that lets you use your PlayStation Portable to create pixel art. The app, which is also an entry to the PSP Genesis compo, now lets users choose from one of two ways to save their pixel creations.
"You can select 1/1 pixel or 4/4 when you save your picture," explains the dev. "1/1 will unzoom your picture. It makes 10 seconds, you have to wait and the picture will get the good size. If you want, you can also load your picture into 1/1 and save it into 1/1 again, it will make your picture smaller and smaller."
PsPixel features:

Select your language, french, english or spanish
Change the color, with the selection of the RGB (red, green, blue)
Save a second color, so you can switch between these two colors quickly
Look at a "Color page", you have the most used colors with the RGB
Change a color with another in your pixel art, the color which will change is the "Second color" and the color which will be print is the "First color"
Save your file in picture/pspixel v2.0 in .png, the directory will be created, you can save as many files as you want. You can save it with pixels 1/1 or 4/4, if you select 1/1, you have to wait 10 second, because the pixture need time to get the good size (see screenshots for more details)
Select a file to load in picture/pspixel v2.0 (only if it's a .png or .jpg), preview the picture before load it
Change the size of your "pen", 8/8 or 4/4
Copy a color in the screen, it will be your new "Second color"
When you want to load an image you can delet it with triangle. A question will ask you if you realy want to delet it or not. It works when you see the image before load it.
Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog.
Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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