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iR Shell v1.11

Download Name: iR Shell v1.11  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 266.89 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

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Views: 85

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

iR Shell is the first ?multitasking? shell program for the PSP, as well as one of the most reliable screenshot apps. Oh yeah, it?s a Universal Remote too, don?t want to leave that out! If all that wasn?t enough, now you can finally listen to your own MP3?s while playing a UMD game, browsing pictures, or playing a homebrew game. I know this is something alot of you have been desperately waiting for! A big hats off to AhMan (who also created iR Commander as well as the custom firmware update for Linksys Routers enabling PSP?s to play ad-hoc games via the internet with Xlink Kai) for this inventive shell! Here?s the detailed info on this great release! New Features: 1. A MP3 player plugin is added which allows MP3 to be played back along with your UMD game/homebrew music: Support playback list. To construct playback list, use CIRCLE key to highlight music tracks. Maximum playlist size is 10 and the playlist entries should reside in the same directory. Repeat single track or repeat the whole playlist. Playback control including pause, resume, stop, next track, previous track, volume up and down. Pls note that the MP3 volume control is independent of your PSP's hardware volume button. This will be useful to adjust the MP3 volume without changing your game/homebrew's original music/sound volume. To change the volume of your UMD game/homebrew, use the hardware volume buttons. 2. Data, time & battery info added. 3. Allows CPU speed change. This will be essential for MP3 playback, as some games may experience slowdown if CPU running at stock speed (use Left Trigger + Start). Recommended setting speed to 333 for MP3 playback with game/homebrew running. Note: CPU clock speed selection should be made before launching game/homebrew. 4. APP View (Application view) now supports hidden corruption icon naming. 5. The Pronto Code remote database has been cleaned up. You can download it [here]. Button Config: 1. iR Shell Control: Arrow Keys (Digital Pad): Menu navigation Triangle: Go to parent directory. Square: View toggle. Allow you to choose application view, RDF view or directory view. Cross: Item selection Analog pad left: Launch UMD Analog pad right: Launch homebrew from /PSP/GAME/HOMEBREW/EBOOT.PBP Analog pad up: USB On/Off toggle Analog pad down: Quit iR Shell Left Trigger + Right Trigger: Restart iR Shell Left Trigger + Select: Task switch between the launched app and iR Shell Left Trigger + Start: CPU speed toggle between 222, 266 & 333 Note button: Take snapshot (photos are placed under /PSP/SNAPSHOT) Select button: Battery Information Start button: Help message 2. MP3 Player Right Trigger + Triangle: Shortcut to browse /PSP/MUSIC directory Circle: Mark item for Playback List (max playback list size: 10) Right Trigger + Square: Stop playback Right Trigger + Cross: Playback Pause/Resume Right Trigger + Right Arrow: Next MP3 Track Right Trigger + Left Arrow: Previous MP3 Track Right Trigger + Up Arrow: Volume Up (volume control for MP3 player only) Right Trigger + Down Arrow: Volume Down
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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