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WavePool v0.2 Source Code

Download Name: WavePool v0.2 Source Code  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 29.82 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 64

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

And so the XMB hacking continues. We won't even try to enumerate the numerous homebrew apps we've garnered that tinker and customize your XMBs because, well, there's just too damn many of them! Not that we're complaining or anything, in fact we stand by that old adage that goes "There's no such thing as too many XMB hacks." Yeah okay, I just made that up. But it's true, isn't it? No matter how many similar apps we already have, new ones are always more than Nielkie's WavePool, which we got right here. And as he promised, the app now has a Windows version, with the Mac one still in the works. So. What's new in this version? It now supports extraction of texture and it doesn't use scripts for file I/O. Included in his to-do list for the next release is to add a file index and improve the wave speed. Nielkie says he's almost done with those things so we can also expect a v0.3 release pretty soon. A few more notes on the Linux version though, you're gonna gonna need Qt 4 and WINE in order to run the app. Got that? Good. Then download the file/s now and make sure you check out the readme, alright?
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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