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Extended Pandora Bootmenu v0.86t2

Download Name: Extended Pandora Bootmenu v0.86t2  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 210.45 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

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Views: 89

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

We've already seen a lot of plugins and programs that improve and extend the functions of currently existing ones. One good example is the Extended Pandora Bootmenu v0.86t2 which was just released by Hellcat over at QJ.NET PSP Development Forum. Like its name implies, this is an extended boot menu to be used with a magic Pandora memory stick. Some of its basic functions include the following: * Choose to boot firmware from memory stick, internal flash, or the original Pandora main menu * Fix flash1:/ (the one holding the settings and config) by formatting it and creating all directories * Launch an additional application (PSPFiler or such) with working access to the real flash0:/ * Launch custom firmware installer (OE / M33) with working flash0:/ access, so it can install the CFW straight from a Pandora boot without the need to downgrade to 1.50 first, no matter of the current state (and version) of the internal flash. * The paths to execute for flash0-app and CFW installer can be set with the built in file browser * You can configure a default option that is automatically executed when the WLAN switch is set to ON at startup. (By default there is no action taken) * Access flash0:/, flash1:/ or memory stick via USB (straight from the menu) Hellcat noted that Extended Pandora Bootmenu v0.86t2 us currently a work in progress so it is possible that you will encounter some bugs during usage. The coder will highly appreciate it if bug reports will be submitted to him. Also, the download package has a very informative Readme.txt file. Go over that documentation first before doing anything to avoid any sort of problem.
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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