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PRX Loader for 2.71 SE

Download Name: PRX Loader for 2.71 SE  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 39.56 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 101

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

kingofalleet tells us that Eiffel56 announced the PRX Loader for 2.71 SE over at the German Portable News forums. Now because of the intricacies of translation from German to English by weblator, we can't tell if this was from before or after he bricked his PSP from before (for no apparent reason). Well, if it's after, not only do we feel happy that he now has a running PSP again, but that "I tested the whole extensively, before I mean PSP gebricked have. And it functioned marvelously." Still, as with all homebrew-that-loves-to-flash in life, "NO warranty, it uses nevertheless on OWN DANGER!!!" (And from the Readme) "AT THIS POINT, WE WRITE TO FLASH0!! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, IT COULD B R I C K YOUR PSP!" Gott in himmel. Gott sch?tzen unser PSPs. Caveat emptor: Eiffel56's "Nose list" - we think he means "bugs." You know, like weblators are so buggy. * Those config is sometimes not accepted. That config parsing module is something Buggy. Take best config from the VSH the Extender and change according to desire. * Not all PRXe functioning. I successfully tested VSH Extender and AIOMOD2 at that time. More details from Eiffel56's forum post in the original German at the Via link. Let's hope your weblator's better than ours. Thanks kingofalleet!
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