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PSP-FTPD v0.4.0 with source code

Download Name: PSP-FTPD v0.4.0 with source code  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 798.02 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 2

Views: 205

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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Now how about that? An FTP server that fits into your backpocket. Homebrew developer Zx-81 tossed an update your way for PSP-FTPD and hikes up the compatibility bar for open firmwares in the 3.xx range (3.xx OEs). Like the past revisions, PSP-FTPD will allow users to utilize their PlayStation Portable's WiFi access to transfer files from the PSP to another network node (e.g., TFTP server) and vice versa. For optimal results with PSP-FTPD, Zx-81 recommends FileZilla for Windows users and gFTP for Linux users. And since the release of v0.3.7, Zx-81 has made the following improvements: Version 0.4.0 * Compatible with fw3x-0E Version 0.3.8 * Add battery status * Add memory stick free space status * Display FTP commands received by clients The homebrew developer has bundled the source code together with the homebrew application's release, and he advises that users browse through the included documentation for usage instructions.
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