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LocoRoco Motion Plugin v0.99

Download Name: LocoRoco Motion Plugin v0.99  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 8.47 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 69

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Those who played the last iteration of the impressive LocoRoco Motion Plug-in would be delighted to find out that homebrew developer Mr305 has released an update that fixed a handful of bugs that impeded that Neo Motion kit-enhanced LocoRoco experience. In this version. Mr305 finally added a Jump function, letting gamers attain the full range of motion in the game. As always, PSP gamers need to have the NeoFlash Motion Sensing Kit, as well as custom firmware, at least version 3.71, for the plug-in to work. Without further ado, here's the changelog for the latest version of LocoRoco Motion Plug-in for your perusal: * Added audio Fix; Audio works perfectly along with motion for perfect LocoRoco game experience. Thanks to ps2dev members. * Added a check, wherein the plugin self-terminates with a message, if Motion Kit is unplugged or not plugged in before the game begins or due to failure in initialization; hence if anything fails, you can still play the game unlike previous version which caused "unusably sluggish behaviour". * Added a Jump function but something isn't right. Tilt forward and then backward. [This will most probably be removed in next version if I can't figure out the problem] * Substantially improved chances of succesfull initialization. Failure rate - 1 in 10 times. * Reduced CPU usage - removed unused stuff / Z axis reading / other calculations Mr305 also wants to add some things about the volume. First of all, if volume does not respond after muting and un-muting, just try pressing volume up or down. Also, delay of response during volume adjustment is also normal. As always, just get the plug-in from the download link below. Further instructions and notes are included in the Readme link. Enjoy!
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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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