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X-Flash for PSP v9 Final

Download Name: X-Flash for PSP v9 Final  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.24 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 418

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

Art started a journey by developing a firmware modification program he called X-Flash for PSP that quickly applies >newly discovered firmware hacks and automate customising process of new 1.50 PSP units. Today, that journey ends with the final version of his homebrew opus X-Flash for PSP. > >The X-Flash for PSP v9 Final changelog includes firmware tools not in the previous versions. Art says not allthe firmware modifications performed by this program are his own, but he uses all of them permanently on his PSP units. If they're good enough for him, they're good enough for us, we always say. > >Art decided to finalize the development of this program so he can devote time for new programs. Which means more great things will be coming from a true master of the art of PSP homebrewing. > >Detailed information about X-Flash for PSP v9 Final, from installation and option are in the X-Flash v9Final.txt final. You really should read it before you try it. Should you encounter any glitches please let Art know at the released thread. > > > >WARNING: >This program (through software or hardware malfunction), has the potential to render subject PSP units >permanently inoperative. Use this software, and/or modification to PSP firmware files at your own risk. > >
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