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PSPAR to CWCheat Converter v0.21

Download Name: PSPAR to CWCheat Converter v0.21  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 1.50 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 3

Views: 327

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from raing3:Here is another quick update to fix a few issues.Changes in version 0.21:- Fixed: Crash if CIRCLE is enter- Fixed: Issue converting various DMA cheats (thanks to haro and NoEffex)Version 0.21 can be downloaded here.With this version I have tested ~235 cheats and this is the compatibility results:- version 0.10: 71.30%- version 0.20: 87.75%- version 0.21: 90.13%As you can see that is quite close to the 100% however I still need help fixing the codes which aren't converted correctly. I've attatched all of my notes with version 0.21 and there is quite a lot more than there was before. I've also added a few links to some useful information and a useful java PC application to the first post.__________________TA-082 5.00 M33-6TA-085 5.00 M33-6TA-090v2 5.02 OFW
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