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RPG Developer Portable Demo

Download Name: RPG Developer Portable Demo  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 4.84 MB

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Views: 83

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from Akabane87:Demo version containing only the party establishment and testing of cardsIMPORTANT: - Use the resources of the same size and same dimensions as those of origin to avoid crash.Only the "autotile can receive RMXP resources as the program automatically converts these resources if it finds.- Especially Do not start a serious project with this demo because the card format saved is likely to change.- The buttons and icons do not work because all this is a demo version. So do not be surprised to meet from time to time.KEYS:- Joystick to move the cursor- R maintained (joystick) to accelerate the cursor- L maintained (joystick) to slow the cursor- Cross to confirm or select one or component (s) on the chipset and to draw on the map.- Round to remove a tile on the map- Square maintained (joystick) to make a scrolling in the area- Start to access the menu card management of the project since the publisher and to validate any window or message appears on the screen (racourci).CONTENT:The boot:- Check the contents of the folder tileset and created files. Dat default for tileset did not yet (these files contain all information the chipset which they belong).- Automatically converts all autotiles from RMXP contained in the file associated to be used in RDP (crushing of the original file).The map editor:For drawing card from a chipset. Simply press START at any time to open the card management to create a new card, edit an existing, or delete or duplicate a card.The editor allows you to draw 4 layers on a single graphics card in order to superimpose several elements. Priority display of these items is viewable directly from the publisher and does not depend on the layer of these components are designed (unlike RMXP). In addition, its animated autotiles visible directly from the publisher.The "database":Allows you to modify the characteristics of the chipset (for now) by combining autotiles and determining collisions, the meaning of passages, of superimposition priorities or obscuring the square. Once these chipsets modified, they can escape completely from all these aspects dull during the drawing of the map as this step is made only once a chipset.The test:Used to test the map directly under way with a sprite (default (here Arshes) for the moment). You can move on the map created to test its functioning. By default for now, the sprite appears in the upper left corner of the map, which can not be changed at this time.NOTES:Some used to RMXP surely notice many small changes compared to RMXP. These changes were mostly the result of intense reflection on my part (and yes it happens from time to time: p) and are only intended to provide still more freedom to maker you are.@ Good test and soon (not too much: p) for the BETA.
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