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Mp3 ME Player v1.03

Download Name: Mp3 ME Player v1.03  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 764.15 KB

File Type: (Rar file)

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Views: 76

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

PSP homebrew developer caliarbor has released a new version of Mp3 ME Player. In case you missed the previous releases, Mp3 ME Player is - as the title suggests - an MP3 player. It differentiates itself from the rest of the bunch by coming with an old-school DOS/ANSI layout. Here's the changelog for version 1.03 and v1.02:Added an asterisk in front of the current playing track in the browser pane. While the tracks is playing it will be green. If paused it will be yellow. Once the track is completed it will go to red.Dropped USB support. It didn't prove to be very useful and at times caused issues.Optimized source and made it easier to follow. There is almost zero latency when switching MP3 tracks now. This is the result of hardcoding the sampling frequency to 44100Hz and thereby not using the libmad library for a lot of overhead calculations. Also, file and ID3 tag data are parsed when the application is started.Corrected a lot of bugs in id3.c. Files with multiple versions of ID3 tags were being parsed incorrectly as having v1.x tags.Added support for ID3 JPEG cover art. Graphics.h was modified so that the LoadJpeg function would also take a "file offset" as an arguement. This allows for cover art to be easily read with jpeg_stdio_src.There is no longer a "covers" folder. Cover art is only displayed if present in the ID3 tag, in JPEG format, and with the dimensions height
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