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5h4d0w's Plugin Manager v1.2b2_2

Download Name: 5h4d0w's Plugin Manager v1.2b2_2  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

Date Added:

File Size: 906.47 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 0

Downloads: 1

Views: 66

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:

5h4d0w's handy "Plugin Manager" for the homebrew community has recently received a new update, bringing a slew of new fixes and improvements to the app.


Now only loads up to 20 plugins per .txt file. I'm pretty sure that this is the PSP's limit, if not, deal with it :D
Added ability to copy and paste plugins between .txt files
Added ability to disable requiring the password

This is OFF by default; You will need to make a password, then turn it on

Added support for multiple "themes"

Added ability to select theme in the config editor
Themes are sorted alphabetically with the exception of the default, which is always first
Theme format is now RxxxGxxxBxxx instead of a LUA color definition

Scrolling past the final plugin or option will reset to the first. Scrolling back past the first will reset to the last.

Why did I not do this in the first place?

Reverted UI changes to the menu. Selected options are highlighted like they used to be instead of showing a ">"
Some other changes I don't feel like listing

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Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

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