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XMBShell v1.00

Download Name: XMBShell v1.00  

Category: PSP & PS Vita PSP Homebrew Applications

Submitted By: Ahri

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File Size: 2.82 MB

File Type: (Rar file)

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Downloads: 1

Views: 139

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Entry NEO CompoRelease v1.00:Quote:* Simple installer* 2D text scroll function* IntraFont and SCE dialogs* Excellent graphics* ICON0.PNG and PIC1.PNG included in XMB menu(by SchmilK)* Extract 7Z archives* Extract RAR and ZIP archives with or without password* Choose path to extract archives* Start games/homebrews/plugins(ELF, ISO/CSO, PBP and PRX)* Run PSX games* Load Sony and M33 updater* Launch UMD* UMD auto-start function* "UMD" displayed only, when a UMD inserted is* Back to XMBShell, when exit the application* Copy, cut, delete, rename, create a new folder in file manager* Show properties and size of the file in byte, KB or MB* Show properties of folders* Use image as wallpaper(press / in Image viewer)* Open images(GIF, JPG/JPEG and PNG)* Rotate images* Blit images fit to screen* Animate GIF images* Next/previous image function with R and L buttons* Show height and width of images under properties* Play videos(AVC, PMF and PMP)* Play music formats(AA3, AAC, FLAC, MP3, OGG, OMA and OMG)* Show Album, Title, Artist, Year and Genre informations of the song* Next/previous song function with R and L buttons* Pause, resume and play song forward* Battery-saver modus(only in Music player)* Read all text files(CFG, INI, TXT or other files...)* Load flash files(HTM/HTML, PHP and SWF)* Download the newest version of XMBShell with the Network Updater* Camera function* Launch Internet browser(* Internet search* Load Go!Messenger* Connect USB ms0, flash0, flash1, flash2, flash3 or UMD disc* Change photo, music, video and game paths* Change CPU speed in music player(75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)* Take a screenshot with NOTE(music symbol)* Change the nickname* Change CPU speed(75, 100, 133, 222, 266, 300 and 333)* Change password* Start control function* Use background as original, classic or wallpaper* Enable Flash player and WMA playback* Restore default settings* Show system informations* Show battery informations under system-settings* Browse in ms0, flash0 and flash1* Possibility to editing in flash0 and flash1* Show free space of the memory stick in byte, KB or MB* Show battery and time* Show the version of XMBShell* NEOFlash splash screen* Reboot XMBshell, reset system, shutdown system, suspend system and exit XMBShell in Exit menuSupporting files are:Quote:* 7Z* AA3* AAC* AVC* CFG* ELF* FLAC* GIF* HTM/HTML* INI* ISO/CSO* JPG/JPEG* MP3* OGG* OMA* OMG* PBP* PHP* PMF* PNG* PRX* RAR* SWF* TXT* ZIP* Other files are running with the Text readerInstallation:Quote:* Copy the folder "PSP" to ms0:/* Run it from your PSP* Press X to install or R to exit* Now, XMBShell is installedControls:Quote:Always:* Press O to return* Press HOME to open the Exit-menu* Press NOTE(music symbol) to take a screenshotMain menu:* Press X to choose* Press arrows, L and R to move* Press SELECT to open the File-explorerFile explorer:* Press X to execute file or open folder* Press arrows to move* Press L or R to browse in ms0, flash0 or flash1* Press / to open the File manager* Press SELECT to close the File explorer and return to Main menuFile manager:* Press X to choose* Press arrows to move* Press / or O to close the File manager and return to File explorerMusic player:* Press X to pause/play song* Press RIGHT to play forward(10, 30 or 120)* Press LEFT to play normal* Press START to go in the Battery-saver modusImage viewer:* Press / to use the image as wallpaper* Press X to blit image fit to screen* Press UP or DOWN to rotate imageText reader:* Press UP or DOWN to change pagesCamera:* Press R to shotExit menu:* Press X to choose* Press arrows to move* Press HOME or O close the Exit-menu and returnThanks:* Thanks to Dark_AleX for the Custom Firmware* Thanks to Schmilk for Beta-testing and for ICON0.PNG and PIC1.PNG* Thanks to BenHur for intraFont
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